Ward 25 : Hide Me

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"Love is a fiend, a fire, a heaven, a hell
Where pleasure, pain, and sad repentance dwell"

- Richard Barnfield

Drayan was fine now,she moved and talked like a normal human now, but
of course this was not achieved by just a short period of time. This hard technique took months for Drayan to absorb most of the lessons. Although sometimes, she still "baby talks" with her husband because that was her way to charm the man.

When Mrs.Kana brought the clean clothes of Harix,she asked the woman to just leave it on the bed, and she would be the one who would arrange it inside his closet.

But while putting the clothes in order,she noticed something, a black cardigan. She got interested because based on its size and shape, it was not owned by her husband.

By the time she decided to fit in,her husband was also on time to enter his room.

"Why are you wearing that cardigan?Where did you get it?"
Harix's loud voice stuttered Drayan. His voice he used to Drayan was always calmed and composed.Even there were times that his anger would consume him, he still maintained his gentle voice so that the woman would not be frightened.But today his voice changed because what Drayan was wearing hauled him back to his dark past.

"Why are you shouting?" Drayan asked back, she didn't understand why his husband needed to shout for just a simple cardigan.

"Give it to me"
He thought he kept the cardigan in a safe place just like how he kept their dirty secret. Leo Erick left it to him when he went abroad. This piece of cloth also reminded him of his abhi

"No, unless you tell me why" Drayan buttoned up the cardigan instead.She was challenging the man.This was her punishment for stuttering her.

"Drayan.I said give it to me"
Harix noticed his high tone, so he lowered it down. Yesterday when his annem came he knew that he hurt Drayan, but it seemed the woman didn't bury the bitter words. He had no idea that the woman chose to swallow those vile words to keep him.She remembered it and she was keeping it in her heart.But what his husband said was a fact, indeed she was crazy, crazy to her husband.

She wondered what kind of this feeling was. A feeling of over happiness every time she saw the doctor.A feeling of security when he was by her side. An unknown emotion that scared her, but she was still clinging to it.

"No!" And she ran and closed the bathroom door of Harix.


Harix was waiting for almost an hour for Drayan but she still did not come out.

"Dry...open the door please"


Harix was about to call her name again but his phone started ringing.

"Nurse stef?"

"Doc.we have an emergency"

"What is it?"

"Doc Lea passed out"

"What ? but she is the duty now"

"And we couldn't reach doctor mike"

"Okay2x wait for me there"

"Okay doc rix"

"Dry,behave okay I will come back soon,Mrs.Kana,Mrs.Kana"

"Young effendi?"Mrs.Kana actively rushed toward her young sir.

"Can you wait for me? I have an emergency,don't leave my wife alone"
It was already night and Mrs.Kana's shift was almost over,although he was hesitant to leave his wife, He needed to attain the urgent call .

"Yes young effendi"

After Harix left, Mrs.Kana tried to call Drayan again.

"Drayan it is time to eat my dear"
Drayan opened the door,it took 35 minutes to convince her to come out.

"Where is Harix?He will not eat with me?he is mad at me right?" Drayan asked while looking around to search for her husband.

"No dear,he has some emergency"

"What emergency?"

"There is a patient who needs a doctor"

"Why didn't he tell me?"
Drayan was used to seeing Harix's smile before he would leave.It had become his habit to go to Drayan's room first before he would leave the house, but now he wasn't able to do it because his woman was inside the bathroom locking herself up.

"Because you are inside the bathroom,come on I am hungry, let's eat"

"You told me to always eat with my husband"

"Yes I did, but he informed me that he will be late, so you need to eat first"

"I will wait for him"

"My dear,it's almost dark, I will be leaving later, but before I leave you must eat first"

"Don't worry about me, you should go, it is dangerous outside"

"Will you behave? You just threw a tantrum a while ago"

"Don't worry, I will just sleep while waiting for him"


Harix received a text from Mrs.Kana that she already left the house.Harix looked at the wall clock, and he was waiting for doc Mike.

"Ahh,it's already late,she didn't even eat"
Harix worriedly groaned.He knew that the woman would not eat without him.

"Are you worried about doc Lea?"The doctor he had been waiting for so long finally arrived.

"Alhamdulillah,where have you been?"
Harix hurriedly got up from his office chair.

"I just caught up with some things,you know family matters"

"Next time inform everyone in advance, there were 2 patients for operation tonight and doc Lea passed out"Harix explained what the "single for life" doctor missed.He always invented an alibi for him to go on a blind date.
He was a 45-year-old bachelor. That's why he was seriously searching for a partner because he was afraid to die alone.

"My mistakes doc, this will not happen again"He embarrassingly apologized to his boss.Harix was not just his colleague, he was the owner of the hospital, and he was embarrassed to know that his boss was the one who replaced him on duty.

"I shall go" The reason for the doctor was not relevant anymore, what was important to Harix was he could go home.

"Why are you in a rush? Doc lea will be glad to see you taking care of her"
Doc Mike was aware of the unreciprocated feeling of the female doctor ,actually almost everyone in the hospital knew it except Harix.

"Not me, I focused on your two patients,it's nurse Pam who took care of her"

"Oww,I forgot that you are not a bachelor anymore"
Harix didn't answer him because he was already removing his white coat.He was itching to go home because his baby wife was alone.

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