Ward 38 : Use Me

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"Real love is fighting like hell to hold on to every moment you have with her. It's making a life together and making it work no matter what happens". — Peter Burke


"What is that man doing here?" Harix immediately asked after he put his car key in his pocket. He looked at the stranger from head to toe,the man was busy on typing on his phone, unaware that what he had entered was the sanctuary of the beast.

"He came for business son"
His annem told him. It had been so long that his annem stayed away from her son, so she gave her a visit today

"Tell him to leave" Harix released the words in a powerful way,it signified that he didn't want to waste his time to his uninvited visitor. He didn't know on where the man got his strength to face him like he had never participated to create cracks in his marriage life.

"Son" Harix looked at his mom in a serious way as if his glare were enough to freeze the healthy surrounding
"face him at least" His mom begged because it was an inappropriate to ignore the visitor. It's a no no in their clan,their generation was known for being hospitable and respectful,although the man in question was the exception.

Harix granted his mom's request.He walked to the man who was waiting for him in the garden hut.


"What are you doing here?" Without further ado he unpeeled the man's purpose.

"I came for my proposal" the man didn't like Harix's tone.He could hear the fury in it.

"I can't help you" Harix straight answer.It was no from the start.Whatever the project that Pablo was talking about, the jealous man wasn't interested to pursue it.Not with his rival.

"Can we set aside first the issue with our heart? As I said, I am here for business"
Pablo was aware that Drayan was the doctor's wife. He knew the doctor even before he met Drayan.But even knowing that he was stepping on the wire of a broken marriage, he still proceeded with his plan.

He thought he would become the future husband of the great doctor's ex-wife. He was sure that this would boost his popularity, especially in business world.

"And I said no"

The visitor was standing so as the host.They had no plan on sitting and engaged in heart-to-heart talk

"But you didn't hear my proposal yet" Pablo insisted.He was positive that his plan would work.

"I have my projects too,I'd rather prioritize it first" Harix exclaimed while forcing himself to continue the conversation.

"This project is for Drayan"

"Don't use Drayan for your political desire"He said with full of venom in his voice.He was irritated to hear his wife's name being called beautifully in another man's voice, and the way Pablo gave his tone as if he had known Drayan for so long.

"No,my project is an advocacy to help those victims of rape"

His heart sunk to the pit of the abyss.How this man knew that he was the one who deflowered Drayan? Did Drayan tell him?

"So what?" He pretended that he was not interested, but the truth was he wanted to put his two hands on Pablo's neck and choke him until he would tell who told him about their dark past.

"You should support Drayan,she suffered from mental illness before,we don't know what happened to her, but she is also a weak woman like those victims that I wanted to help"

Harix calmed himself,the man didn't know anything,Drayan didn't tell him.

"If she wanted this project,let her come to me,we will discuss it"

"She is just a janitress, she has no better position in our company"

"Pablo,if you can't bring her here then forget about the proposal"

"Aside from that,you know that she will not come to you"

"Now it's clear,that you are using her"Harix dropped his suspicion about the clever businessman.Harix guessed that the man was scheming something.Pablo was not aiming for love,he was aiming for power.

"My business is just flourishing,I like Drayan, but I need my business" Pablo finally confirmed Harix's suspicion.

"Marry your business,and leave my wife alone,you don't deserve her"

"You and Drayan are soon to be divorced,and you don't deserve her even more"

"Leave" Harix simple and yet thick reply.

"All you did is hurt her,and now you couldn't even support her,she is working as a janitress in my company,as much as I want to put her in a decent position,I couldn't because she was starting her college"

"Fire her,if you feel burden fire her"
Harix never abandoned Drayan,he was checking her often.He offered help many times, but Drayan always refused it.

So, he just decided to protect her secretly and gave his support to her mother. So that Drayan would not think that he was still forcing himself to be part of Drayan's world

"I can't do that,I will help her until she will become mine"

"Don't try me,Don't steal what's mine Pablo,I am capable of destroying the small business of yours"

"You don't play fair"

"I do,I always do, but don't force me to be unfair"

Pablo was lost for words,he was unable to rebut. His business deal today was a fail.He thought if he would drag Drayan's name the project would be approved, but instead he brought a matchstick that could be used by Harix to burn his dry dream.

But now that Pablo declared that he was willing to get Drayan from Harix, what was Harix plan to prevent it from happening?

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