Ward 39 : Hurt Me

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"If you want to kill somebody, conquer his heart, Then leave slowly and leave them between death and madness".

-Nizar Qabbani


Pablo invited Drayan to his cousin's wedding. Drayan wanted to refuse, but she didn't know how to decline the invitation without hurting her friend.

"Let's go dear,Pablo will just be going to park the car"

Drayan smiled and agreed to her annem.Her mother accompanied them so that they would not be left alone together.

Drayan wasn't in the mood to attend any celebration because her heart was still mourning.She was also thinking of a solution to her brother's issue.

The night she went to Harix,she was positive that the man would help her, but she was disappointed to know that her man was like all the men who didn't give free kindness, that everything must be paid.

While on their own table,her mother was being called by someone she knew

"My princess,I am just going to my friend there" Her annem announced excitedly

"Yes annem"

Drayan was busy playing on her cellphone when someone tapped her back.She glared because it was a man's hand.

"Are you alone?"


She didn't know what to feel at that particular moment.She missed his husband's greek god face.He was very gorgeous,very neat and very charismatic. She knew that it was a must to hide her vulnerability but every time she saw the man no matter how she tried to conceal the longingness and sorrow it was still showing in her eyes.

If she didn't know the feeling of real insanity, maybe she would diagnose herself as insane.Her mind and heart were 50:50. She already convinced herself that Harix ruined her, but again there was a small voice that told her that Harix also fixed her.

"I came with Pablo"



"Why are you accepting an invitation from a stranger?" Her husband bitterly asked

"He is not a stranger"

"He just proposed to you, but you are not married yet"

"Harix-"Drayan called out her ex-husband's name and another woman's voice called her husband's name too

"Doc Harix"
Drayan saw the beautiful doctor.She was very beautiful while her husband was very handsome.They looked like a princess and a prince.

"Drayan right? Doc Harixx's ex?"

She felt like she swallowed a small nail when she heard doc Lea's question.She was an ex,but not just an ex, but Harix's ex-wife.

"Doc Harix? Why are you here?"

This was the best reaction the mother could give after seeing the beast. She didn't forgive the man yet, but she needed to be courteous and respectful to the man of her daughter. It was hard to stay civil with the man who destroyed your daughter's world,but this man was also her daughter's world.

She saw Drayan suffered from heartache.She saw how she struggled to move on,and it wasn't easy.Every time she thought that her daughter was finally on the finished line she would still see her again shocked on the corner or staying on the starting line while wiping her tears away.

"Annem? Did you?"

"Yes we are here together with Pablo"
Harix stared at the woman sitting uncomfortably.His question was answered now,she accepted the invitation of Pablo, but she brought along her mom.

"Doc,the other doctors are waiting for us"

"Sorry to leave you like this, annem"

"It's fine son"

Drayan didn't bid goodbye to her husband because she was still trying to swallow the hard nail of jealousy clogged in her throat

"Oh my baby,it is just work"

"I have nothing to do with him"

"I told Pablo that we will go home, it is already late,let's go my baby"

They walked and called a cab.

"I know it hurts, but this is your decision"

"Why  it needs to be him, annem? Why did the man I love turn out to be the man I hate?"

"Oh my baby"

Her mother hugged her while the taxi ran to reach their home.


And when they reached their home, she received another share of pain.A delivery of the broken parcel of love.

Drayan received a mail and when she opened it,she saw the paper that unchained her but broke her.Indeed, finally, they were separated now.She was now seeing the paper containing their signatures stating that they both agreed to break their sacred vow.

"We are divorced" Drayan declared weakly while closing the piece of paper. She should be happy;she must.But she couldn't do it.She couldn't celebrate and force herself to throw a party because the white paper encoded in black ink signified one thing, that she was not the wife now of the man who she blindly loved.

Drayan was jealous,she was hurt to the core.She wanted to betray her mind and followed her heart, but she was not sure if it's really worth it.She didn't know what's worth between the two.The pain of leaving him Or the pain of loving him.

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