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I've been on a Dilf kick lately (as seen in two stories lmao) so why not write some headcanons - these will be based on ships and how they will be as like dads - I hope you all enjoy this fluff !!!



-They have two kids together, one boy and one girl ! The boys name is Ren and the girls name is Emi

-Emi looks a lot like Akaashi minus her eye color

-Ren is a spitting image of Bokuto but his hair color is switched so it's black with white

-Ren and Emi are two years apart Ren being the eldest

-Both Ren & Emi call him Daddy until age 5 & 6 then they start calling him Dad

-he spoils them ... ALOT !!!

-During games he looks at them in the stands and makes a heart with two fingers and they makes them back

-Bokuto is so attached to them

-He cried when Ren fell off his bike , he wasn't even hurt , he just cried because he though Ren was despite him telling his dad he was fine

-He does Emi and Rens hair everyday before school

-He helps Emi buy what she needs when she starts her period for the first time since he older sisters

-Bo goes to all their sporting games

-He and Emi bake cookies every Saturday after practice

-Him and Ren work out together when Ren is old enough to go to the gym

-When Emi wants to start wearing Makeup he takes her to the local makeup store and buys he everything , texting his sisters to make sure it's the good stuff

-Buys Emi and Ren new clothes often (like once a month) because he wants them to be stylish

-Bo and Emi have little daddy and daughter dates and they go out and watch movies and get their nails done

-Ren and Bo play volleyball together on the weekends

-Bo takes them out for Icecream once a month

-Ren and Emi call him Dada until around 5&6 and then they start calling him Dad as-well

-Akashi is the strict fun dad

-When Emi started dating Akashi was the protective one

-Ren and Akashi go out for Father son dates when Bo and Emi are out - they go and play with dogs at their local animal shelter and go to book stores

-Akashi and Ren make dinner each night and refuse to let Bo and Emi help

-Akashi take the kids out for coffee every once and awhile because he doesn't want them addicted to caffeine like he is

-When Ren & Emi graduate from kindergarten Akashi is a mess

-Akashi bad vision gene passes onto Emi and he glasses make her look more like him

-Emi and Akashi go clothes shopping because she claims he has better style than Bo

-Akashi is the one who encourages the kids to try other sports than Volleyball since it's a seasonal sport , then turns into Emi cheerleading and Ren playing football , and both playing soccer .

-Akashi displays all their art work and awards around their house

-Akashi redecorates the house every season and Emi & Ren help out and they all refuse to let Bo help

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