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I'm bored and it's 1 am so enjoy my headcanons ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

Also these are just my little thoughts , none are canon so don't take them seriously (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')


Akaashi Keji [HC]

Also these might be based off myself because I Lowkey kin Akaashi ...

-over stresses but doesn't say anything to his s/o - he doesn't have to because it's easy to tell because his eyes are so strained he's wearing his glasses 24/7

-Drinks so much coffee / energy drinks that his friends get concerned he doesn't sleep yet sleeps like a baby each night .

-hates lettuce on everything but salads

-(bokuaka) steals Bo's jersey after he's washed it because he like how big it is on him

-(bokuaka) loves when bo holds him in cuddles because he gets to lay on Bokuto's mommy milkers

-(osaaka) loves being cuddled for the same reason ... mommy milkers

-Akaashi is a boob / big chest man


-is really good at makeup but only does it when he's bored

-massive nerd

Kenma Kozume [HC]

-loves streaming because he dosent really associate the comments being from people

-hates people , only can stand kuroo and Akaashi

-like apple pie but it has to be hot or he won't eat it

-wears crop tops , specifically the one that says "no tits" which kuroo got him as a gag gift

-actually loves Bokuto because he always remembers to not hug him unless he asks

-drinks Diet Coke , monster ultra paradise , and dr.pepper religiously

-loves hot Cheetos and Pringles salted vinegar chips

-makes kuroo finish the hard levels on his games because for some reason he can always finish it

-(Kuroken) hates when kuroo makes him sleep but loves when he gets to cuddle with kuroo because he gets cold easily and kuroo is weirdly warm when it's below 30(Fahrenheit) outside .

-if he was from America he would be from California but not like LA or SanDiego , nah he's from the middle of fucking no where (aka me)

-loves car rides with Kuroo because they have long talks , and hates when it's over because he likes when they talk

-has like 6 cars all with his favorite video game character names as the license plates

-drives fast and kuroo gets scared

-(Kenhina) switch , that's all

-loves Akaashi because they talk about the latest Manga

-his anime watch buddy is Akaashi

-his Marvel / Dc  watch buddy is Kuroo and Bokuto

-he watches Disney movies with Bokuto

-actually loves volleyball

-smokes weed

Yamaguci Tadashi [Hc]

-writes fanfics (specifically smut)

-live tweets everything And has a massive following because of it

-is on his phone 24/7 mainly reading comments on his latest fics (because same)

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