45: A dream

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"Abhi.. Abhi.. Abhi!"

Abhi woke up with a jerk. He saw vashnavi shaking and calling him. Then everything hit, it was a dream, but why was she crying. Thought were clouding in his head,

Vaish: abhi! You good? Where are you getting lost?

Abhi: yeah...yeah i just saw a dream.. Wierd dream (?)

He said weekly as he muttered the last words. Being not able to catch the last words vashnavi asks,

Vaish: huh?..

Abhi: mmm... Nothing.

His eyes directly fell on the pale week body lying on the hospital bed wrapped in many wires. It made his gaze soft. He stared at his almost lifeless brother wishing for him to  recover quickly.

-At office-


Few hours earlier,

" yeah.. Okey.. Hmm.. You don’t need to worry about it. I will go to the office and sort the files. Hmmm.. You just take care of everything.
No no..  No need for thank you hmm. Let's catch up soon"..

Faisu cuted the call after a long conversation with dhruv. He threw his phone on the bed. It bounced as it fell on the soft mattress of the bed.

Faisu went straight to his closet opening it and pulling  out the the first two thing he found there. He looked at them, they were one plain white shirt and one plain black pants.

He went in the washroom to get changed,

Changing, he came straight towards the dressing table opening the drawer and pulling out a silver box. It has a watch in it. He weared it, hehe stood there fixing his shirt as his eyes fell on a photo frame on the table.

A picture with so many emotions. It was the last picture he took with his brother Siddharth. The picture has someone next to him and siddharth a girl with long black hair, pretty eyes.

" I wouldn’t have framed this picture if it wasn’t the last picture i have with sid or else i would have burned it like other pictures and memories i have with you... "

He said with a cold gaze towards the girl. The girl who he might have once loved with his full heart.

He walked out of his room not before taking his phone and blazer from the staff. He is rich, he is enough rich to have more than 20 staffs at his house.

Present time,

Avneet entered the room while speaking few words not noticing someone who was shocked to see her.
Her eyes looked up at little unfamiliar yet familiar face. At the first glance it was hard to rocongnise, "how come a person can change this much in just 5 years.." her mind spoke as she looked at the tall men with his hair styled perfectly he was wearing white shirt with a black designed blazer on. His watch reflected the light sparkling and speaking " i am expensive"

-At certain somewhere-

"Yeah i am going to U.S.A. I have some business work to do and.. I will give avneet a big surprise too."

A guy spoke looking at the girl infront of him. Who was sitting elegantly.

"Does krupa know about it?"

The girl asked while raising a brow,

"No no.. Do you think she will keep it a secret. She will surely spill it out. You know how she is..."

Said by the boy in his late 20s.

"Well then i am tagging along"

The girl said sipping in her green tea. Leaving the boy in shock.

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