24: It was our plan🔥

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Hiii...wassup ppl.. How are u all doing... Okey so this quick update is for sidneet230... Enjoy.. 🤗

Let's start:
Author pov

Rit: What will we do now?

Man: i don’t' know... We can't even run away..

Rit: right.. But we can try to run right...

Man: if we get caught...

Rit: if we sit here and do nthg then also we will get caught na..so It's better to try..

Man: okey! .. Then let's try to get out with the back door...

They both went towards the back door... But...

Ther found sid standing on the door...

Sid: oh!... Are u in hurry... Btw what are u doing here... Rits and manjul?

He said raising his eyebrows..

Rits: abb..a...

Man: actually... The kidnapper kidnapped us as well now we are trying to run away...

Sid: as well?

Rits: yeah! They kidnapped avu also na...

Rits said with fake smile...

Sid: how do u know she is kidnapped?

Sid asked Again raising his eyebrows..

Man: we me..t her..

Rit: yeah.. Yeah we were in the same room...

Sid started walking around them..

Sid: oh!.. Then where is she and how do u know "They" means one person is not behind it there are multiple person....

Man: ac..tually... We told her to come along... But she said she will wait for u..

Rits: and...th..e "They" it was just...ju.st we guessed?..

Man: ye..ah..gue..sse.d.

They were stammering...

Sid: how do u know i was here...?  And it is not possible that avu told u becuse when i saw her she was unconscious..? And how did u guessed? Because u said like u were confirmed? ... Are u hiding smthg?.. Are u helping kidnappers?... But why? Because of little money?... Talk... Speak... Why ur so silent... Come on.. Are u scared? Of me?.... Wht.. Talk...talk RITIKA(he shouted) TALK MANJUL...

Rits: shut up...shut up...okey...u wanna know the truth.. Na...so listen... We kidnapped avu... We tried to kidnapp u...because.. Huh money... No i don’t' want money bcs i wamted u.. I loved u sid.. But u loved her...what's in her huh look... I am beautiful... And much more rich than her... I am not stupid i am not childing... Not drama queen.. But no u have to go to her so i made a plan to kidnapp both of u..

She relised that she confessed everything.. And looked at manjul who was death glaring her...

Man: u know wht... U learnt everything... Now it’s time say good bye... Forever

He said as he pointed a gun towards... Sid.. He was abt to shoot sid when....

**hiii... 🤗

**still scrolling... Okey keep.it up

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