Harry - hurt

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Request for: @_livesforthememory_

3rd person P.O.V
"And everyone go crazy for....ONE THING!!!" harry shouted to the screaming crowd, his words causing an explosion of exitement within the stadium.
The music began to play, and liam started to sing into his mic, sending the crazy fans insane.

The boys were on their world tour, and were currently performing a concert in italy, their fans were always supportive and super exited, but tonight, the stadium felt a little more energetic and alive. And the boys were loving it! They were about half way through the concert, and it was surprising how much energy they all still had, they seemed to be having the time of their lives, jumping up and down and running all over the place. And as for liam and louis, they were up to their usual fun, throwing water over each other.

Harry and zayn had both sung their parts, and now it was time for the chorus.
"SO GET OUT..GET OUT.." they boys all sung in unicon, going absolutely crazy.

But as they were all having the time of their lives, singing their hearts out, and jumping around like there was no tomorrow, harry managed to slip on some of the left over water from lilo's water fight, landing very badly on his knee, twisting it out of place in the process.
At first, they boys laughed, thinking that it was just harry being harry, being clumsy, until they realised that he did not get up like he normally did.
They noticed the intense pained facial expression that he wore, face flinched, and eyes scrunched up in agaony.

It was liam that spotted it first, he rushed over to harry, placing his mic down on the floor.
Zayn, louis and niall looked over, concerned for harry, but they knew they had to keep singing, to distract the fans.
"Oh my god harry.." liam gasped, placing a hand on harry's back.
"Fuck...li...sh.shit..." harry winced, through gritted teeth, clutching to his knee for dear life.
"Oh my god..." liam said again, unable to move. "Is it your knee?"
Harry nodded, eyes still tightly shut.
"Can you move it at all?"
He shook his head.
"Shit, right I'm going to help you backstage mate, this is not looking good" liam sighed, carefully helping harry to stand, and letting him use him as a crutch as he hobbled off stage.

Liam escorted the youngest boy over to a nearby sofa, harry screeching in pain with every movement, tears pouring down his face.
"Ow..ow..." he cried. Liam's heart broke, seeing the youngest like this was very hard to watch.
"It's ok haz...deep breaths..." liam cooed, crouching down infront of him, taking deep breaths in time with him, to calm him down.
Finally, a first aider rushed over to them, medical bag in hand. She took over liams spot so that she could examine harry's right knee.

She rolled up his trousers, which was a struggle in itself, seeing as every time she went to touch the knee area, he would yell out in pain, crying like a little kid.
His knee was badly swollen and seemed to be twisted in a funny position, and the lady said that he needs to go to hospital immediately.
"I'm really sorry love, but it looks to me like you have dislocated it, and i think it might be broken or fractured too. It's not good at all I'm afraid" she apologised, placing an ice pack on the area.

Paul came over to the gathering, looking rather concerned and worried.
"What's going on? Harry what's the matter buddy?" He asked, leaning down so that his eyes were level with harry's.
The first aider told him everything that she had just told the two boys, making it very clear that harry should be taken to hospital right away. And paul seemed to agree.
"Right ok, liam you're going to have to go back on stage mate, and I'll see that harry gets looked after, ok?" He compromised, and liam agreed, giving harry a quick reassuring look and then heading back out onto stage.

He hurried into the stadium, causing the fans to go crazy. The three boys had just finished performing 'one thing', and were just in the middle of talking to the crowd, to try and buy a bit of time for at least one of the others to return.
When they spotted liam returning, without harry, louis headed over to him.
"What's happened?" Louis asked worriedly, speaking away from the mic so that the audience couldn't hear.
"They think he's dislocated his knee or something, it's really bad, he's going to hospital." Liam said, shaking his head.
"Oh god.." louis panicked "he's gonna be ok though?"
"I fucking hope so..." liam said.

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