louis sick - part 1

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liams P.O.V

"you're a bit quiet today tommo. Everything ok?" I asked, giving him a little playful nudge. He had barely spoken a word since he woke up, which was completely out of character for anyone, but especially for him. He looked up from the seat next to me as he adjusted his seatbelt with a reassuring smile. 

"yeh I'm alright, just tired" he nodded, relaxing back into his seat and closing his eyes. I didn't believe him for a second, we were all tired, and this was just down right strange. I decided to go along with it for now though, because I really didn't want to piss him off, there was obviously something going on, so I figured I would let him have things his way. 

"ok buddy, if you say so" I joked, as I turned to look back at niall and harry, sitting in the back of the car, who shared the same worried expression as me. We were on are way to an interview and had been in the car for about 10 minutes so we still had another 20 to go. To be fair we had a pretty empty day today, just one interview (which hopefully shouldn't take to long) and then tonight's show, and that's it. Easy! So why was lou so quiet? 

"what's up with him?" niall whispered, giving me a confused look. He had obviously whispered it too loudly because before I could answer, louis shot up from his position next to me and turned around to face niall. 

"how many times, I'm fine, just drop it" lou said sharply, leaving niall with a blank face, no one said anything, we all just stared at each other, confused. He spun back around in his seat before leaning back and closing his eyes again. Quiet and moody, something was definitely up, but I didn't want to take my chances asking him again after what just happened. Maybe if we left him to sleep, he would be back to his normal self once he woke up. I gave niall a helpless shrug before pulling out my headphones from my bag, and placing them on my head. Shutting my eyes, I listened to my music and pressed my head back against the head rest, waiting for myself to fall asleep. Which I did, and the car was silent for the rest of the journey.

I woke up just as the car rolled effortlessly into the parking lot outside the building where our interview was taking place. I stretched out my arms with a loud yawn and smiled when I looked out the window to notice that the sun had come out finally, after a morning of non-stop rain. 

"payno's awake!" niall cheered from the back, punching the air with excitement. I turned and gave him a big smile, noticing the other two boys were still fast asleep. Now I felt bad for poor niall, he must have been awake with no one to talk to the whole time, no wonder he was so exited that I had woken up.

"you been awake the whole time?" I asked with a giggle. Niall nodded, rolling his eyes playfully.

"yup, and it's been hell thanks to you little sleepy shits" He whined. I couldn't help but laugh, and niall joined in too.

"are we nearly there yet?" came a sleepy voice from behind me. I took it harry had woken up too now. He looked out the window and realised the car was no longer moving, then he gave a little "oh" to himself, answering his own question. I looked over to louis, the sun beaming on his sleeping face I really didn't want to wake him, but I knew that someone would be coming to get us any time now, so I guessed there wasn't really any choice. I quickly packed up all my stuff into my bag, before leaning over to lou. I shook him gently. "louis" I cooed softly. "time to wake up now mate" I felt really bad waking him, after what had happened earlier, I guessed he just needed all the sleep he could get. His eyes reluctantly opened as he let out a strangled groan. "sorry mate, but we're here now" I apologised quietly, picking up his bag from the footwell and placing it next to mine on the seat. He didn't say anything, instead, he put a hand to his fore head and rubbed it, squinting at the rays of sun that shone directly at him. "you ok?" I asked worriedly. "yeh I'm ok just a headache" came the reply in a raspy voice. A wave a panic quickly came over me but I didn't show it. This is probably why he'd been so quiet all day, it all made sense now, plus lou always got a bit moody when he wasn't feeling well. "just a headache?" I asked making sure that was all it was. Harry and niall had already gotten out the car at this point, so they didn't hear us. Louis nodded, but before either of us could say anything else, we were both being hurriedly ushered out of the car. On the way in to the building, I hung back and walked a bit slower with louis. He looked exhausted and definitely sounded it too. "how long've you had a headache for mate" I asked him as we walked through the corridor and past the front desk. He let out a sigh before answering the question "all day" he admitted guiltily. "but it's not that bad payno, don't worry" he reassured me as we wondered into the waiting room where niall and harry were standing with a few other people, who were dressed smartly, and were wearing lanyards around their necks. 

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