Niall - sick on the bus

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This one's not a request but i wanted to do a niall one so i did haha :) Enjoy!

"Ughh I'm literally gonna throw up!" Niall shouted from his bunk.
The boys were in the middle of a tour and were currently traveling to the airport to catch a flight to their next country. They had been on the bus all day, and it was now the middle of the evening. And for niall, it had been tough.

He had been feeling travel sick for most of the day and had spent the majority of his time in his bunk, he hadn't yet thrown up though, as it had been mostly manageable, but now, it is was becoming unbearable.

"Is it still that bad?" Liam asked, concerned, as he made his way into the bunks area after hearing niall shout.
The boys knew niall was feeling sick, but they didn't realize it would last this long, as normally it would pass within a few hours.

Niall closed his eyes and nodded his head, as he took a deep breath.
"I didn't realize it was so bad" liam sighed, giving niall a rub on the shoulder. "How about you come out here and join the rest of us? louis was just about to pick a film to watch" he suggested, and niall nodded in response.
He sat up slowly and made his way to the living room area with liam.

"You alright nialler?" Harry and louis said in unison, and then giggled at the timing of it.
"Yeh, just feel sick" niall sighed, as he took a seat between liam and zayn.
"Do you think you might throw up?" Harry asked. "dunno" niall shrugged and fell back into the seat.

Zayn tightened his arm around nialls shoulder and leaned his head into his ear. (Not in a sexual way - just a friendly way).
"I'll look after you bud, you'll be ok" he whispered, before niall rested his head on zayns shoulder and the film began to play.

The film was about half was through when nialls stomach let out a small grumble.
Louis and harry were fast asleep leaning on each other's shoulders, liam was in the kitchen, making some hot chocolate for the lads that were awake. And niall was still cuddled into zayn, and they were both watching the film intently.
(I say both, but really only zayn was watching the film, niall was too focused on his churning stomach and nauseous body).

Niall tossed a little bit, to reposition himself, placing his hand on his stomach, applying a small amount of pressure.

"You alright?" Zayn asked concerned. Niall couldn't speak in the fear he might spew, so just nodded instead and pretended to watch the movie.
"Nialler, you clearly aren't buddy. You don't need to lie to me." Zayn sympathised. "Do you want me to get you anything?" He continued, rubbing niall on the shoulder. He knew niall too well, and could tell niall was really not himself, and it broke his heart when the, usually so happy blonde, was poorly.
Niall shook his head, his mouth was watering and he could taste the bitter bile in his throat. He tried not to panic, but he felt the tears threatening to pour down his paling face.

Liam came back into the small room on the bus, three mugs of hot chocolate carefully positioned between his hands, and he placed them down on the little table between the two sofas.
Zayn and niall thanked him, and they all continued to watch the movie, the occasional sound of someone slurping their hot chocolate in the background.

Niall didn't touch his hot chocolate. He was feeling completely awful. His stomach was twisting and churning all over the place and he was trying desperately to hold down the food he had eaten earlier that day. He looked around helplessly, taking deep and slow breaths. He burped silently, and the taste of bile returned to his throat. He knew that no matter how much he didn't want to throw up, it was unavoidable.
He let a tear slip from his eye, and turned to zayn, poking him on the arm. He felt like a five year old boy again, but he didn't care, he just wanted this to all be over.

"Ni?" Zayn asked. "What's up?" He put his hand on nialls forehead and let out a sound of sympathy.
"Z..zayn.." niall stuttered. "I think I'm gonna be sick" he admitted.

Zayn stood up immediately and helped niall to the bathroom, liam following closely behind them.

Niall stumbled into the bathroom and fell down in front of the toilet, letting out loud gags. He tried to catch his breath as he retched and gagged over the bowl, nothing coming up.
Zayn knelt down next to him, rubbing his back, and liam stood just behind.
"I...don't...w..wanna...throw..u..up.." niall managed to cry out.
"Sh're ok" liam soothed.
"Just let it out, you'll feel better" Zayn assured.

And niall let out a final gag, before his stomach contents expelled into the bowl, again and again for what felt like forever, but realistically was only about a minute.

He coughed over the bowl a few times before spitting into the water.
"There you go niall, it's ok" zayn cooed. And niall fell back into his arms. Liam went out and came back shortly, with a glass of water for niall.
"Thanks" niall sighed, taking a small and shaky sip.

The three boys stayed there, in the tiny bathroom, for a while, before, out of nowhere, niall was up and reaching over the toilet, bringing up vomit yet again. Zayn and liam were immediately into action, on either side of him, rubbing his back and trying to make this experience less bad for niall.
"I...can't..b..breathe...I..I'm...claustrophobic...." niall cried.
"Shit! Oh yeh" liam cursed, and immediately stood up again, making his way to the doorway, to give niall more space.

He let out round after round of half digested food into the water, until he had nothing left in him.

"Aw mate.." liam coxed, as niall finished, and wiped away a tear. Zayn leaned over and flushed the toilet, before taking niall in for another hug. Niall let out a sob into zayn's chest. And zayn rubbed his hand over his sweaty back.
"You haven't got this car sick for a long time..." liam said concerned. And niall let out another sob in response.
"Aw niallerrr" Zayn sympathised, as he ran a hand through nialls damp hair.

Some time passed, before niall felt ok enough to stand up and make his way out of the cramped little bathroom.
"Do y'wanna go to the sofas or your bunk?" Liam asked, and niall replied with sofas.

Niall sat down slowly on the sofa, and he was given a bucket aswell, incase he needed it and couldn't make it to the bathroom in time.

Incredibly, louis and harry had managed to sleep through the entire thing, and the boys were all jelous of them. Liam turned off the tv, and the three boys let themselves drift off to sleep.

The night was peaceful, and niall didn't need to be sick again, and by the time the morning came, he felt much better. The boys still kept an eye on him, and gave him lots of cuddles and care though, and he was so grateful.

Quick read for you there, hope you liked it <3
More will be coming this week!!

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