louis sick - part 2 & 3

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louis P.O.V


"lou wake up buddy"


Came the voices from all around me, I lay awake for a moment before opening my eyes, to find liam, and niall both gathered around me. Light poured into my body, immediately causing my head to pound and my eyes to squint. I didn't say anything, I just stared at there concerned expressions blankly, still trying to adjust to the lighting.

"sorry mate, we need to start getting ready now, the van will be here in a bit" liam called guiltily, as I pulled the blankets back over my head to block out the light and the sound and the people. I didn't want to get up, I remembered not feeling too bad before I went to sleep, but now that I had woken up, I was feeling a lot worse again. "I don't want to move" I groaned from under the sheets. "are you not feeling well again?" came a distant Irish voice, sounding worried. As much as I wanted to stay in bed and not get up, I didn't want to let people down by not turning up to the concert, and I didn't want to worry the boys either - if they knew I wasn't feeling well again, then there would be no way I'd be going on that stage tonight. Plus maybe once I'd get up, I'd start to feel better anyway, no doubt that being in the stuffy bunk was not doing great things for my headache. 

"No I feel fine" I said pulling the blankets from off my head, and starting to sit up, "just tired" I lied, trying my best to sound convincing, which I guess it did because they didn't question me again. I pulled all the blankets off me and moved my legs over the edge of the bed, so my feet were dangling above the floor.

"ok good good, still up for the show?" niall smiled, as I jumped from my bed so I was standing on the floor. Which I immediately regretted doing, as it made my head throb and spin, causing me to wobble slightly, I grabbed on to the wall, trying to be as subtle as I could.

"woah steady there mate" niall said putting his hand on my back.

"you sure you're ok?" liam questioned, as he looked me up and down worriedly.

"yeh yeh, just stood up too fast" I managed to scrape up a half decent laugh to sound more believable, but my head was throbbing, and by now the stomach relaxers I had taken earlier seemed to have worn off too, as my stomach started to churn away inside me, and a familiar nauseas feeling settled in too.

"ok well we need to get a move on, don't worry about getting changed, Lou will have our clothes there, and harry's making us all something to eat at the moment" liam told me. I'd be lying if I said I was happy about the food, I knew I needed to eat, I hadn't eaten since breakfast and the time now was 6:30pm, plus the only food I had eaten would be a long way down the toilet now, due to earliers throwing up incident. But still, even the thought of eating at the moment was enough to make my stomach hurt. I nodded, not having the energy to say anything in response. Liam walked out of the bunks area, probably to go help harry, which left niall alone with me.  

"bet you're hungry aren't you?" he laughed, patting my shoulder playfully. I managed to mutter up a small smile, but I didn't say anything.

"you know you can tell me if you're not ok lou? no ones going to be mad" he reassured. Shit, was it really that obvious? I went to say something but just at that moment, my stomach lurched, sending my hand flying to my mouth. That was enough for niall to start panicking, he quickly ushered me in the direction of the bathroom, I ran, not sure if I would be able to make it there in time. My stomach churned and stabbed inside, and a lump began to rise up my throat, causing me to burp.

"shit shit" niall panicked rushing me along the narrow corridor of the bus. We made it to the bathroom just in time for me to gag and spew into the toilet violently. I crouched down in front of the bowl, cautious in case I was sick again, and sure enough, in no time I was back heaving over the small toilet. 

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