niall sick but boys think he's faking

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nialls P.O.V

I woke up in my bunk, and checked the time. 4:21am that's weird, I never woke up this early in the morning. I sighed and turned over trying to get back to sleep, it wouldn't be too long before we would have to get up, we were scheduled for a very busy day today. Tons of interviews, a few photoshoots and a signing. I couldn't afford to be tired. 

I layed awake for ages, finding it impossible to drift off, and I had no idea why. I eventually peeled my covers off me and sat up, a sharp pain suddenly shooting right through my stomach. I groaned at the pain, but it left in no time. I opened my curtain and found all the others were still drawn meaning the other boys were asleep. I put my legs over the edge of the bunk, maybe I just needed to walk it off. I stood up and took a few unsure steps before the pain returned again, however this time it didn't seem to go. I groaned again feeling frustrated and walked out into the kitchen area. I told myself that I was ok and that in fact I had just been lying down too long, I really couldn't afford to get sick, not with our schedule for the next couple of days.

I poured myself a glass of water from the tap and took a few sips, before heading back to my bunk and curling up under the covers trying to get warm again. My stomach twisted and I put my hand over it, gripping tightly to ease the pain, and eventually sleep found me.

liams P.O.V

Beep beep beep. The loud alarm echoed through the bus, causing me to sit up and grab my phone, immediately turning it off. The time was 6am, and we had a busy day today, so I reluctantly pulled back my curtain to wake the others. I stood up and drawed back harrys curtain first, shaking him slightly. He woke up almost instantly and quickly hopped out of bed, god I wish I could be as enthusiastic as harry in the mornings.

"morning li!" he beamed, "busy day today hey? I'm gonna make a start on breakfast, I had a wonderful dream where we had pancakes" he said a smile crossing his face as he danced out into the kitchen. I smiled in amusement and went over to nialls bunk, I drawed back the curtain and called his name.

"niall" no answer. "ni" I called again shaking him a little. His eyes opened, he looked exhausted but I guessed we probably all did only having 6 hours of sleep. 

"li..." he groaned, I guessed he didn't want to get up.

"come on buddy we've got a busy day, you need to get up" I told him trying to sound polite. He rolled over, pressing his head into his pillow dramatically.

"my stomach hurts" came the mumbled response. I sighed feeling a little sorry for the guy, I guess that was why he looked so warn out.

"aw mate" I cooed "you can rest for a bit, but you're still gonna have to get up and ready soon, then see how you're feeling once you've had something to eat. harry's making pancakes" I encouraged, knowing niall, he was probably just hungry. I rubbed his messy hair before walking over to louis bunk. 

There was a reason that I had saved this one for last, louis was really not a morning person at all, and I dreaded having to wake him up every time we had to get up early for something.

I reached my hand up to the curtain before hesitantly drawing it back. I shook him slightly and called his name, bracing myself. He didn't budge, and I sighed frustrated, calling his name louder this time.

"louis come on! you need to get up" I warned. I was beginning to lose my patience now, I must have been shaking him for a solid 3 minutes before I came to the conclusion that there was only one thing for it. "ok I did warn you mate" I said, more to my self than to him. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water before returning to louis bunk.

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