Louis - overworked

403 9 7

Requested by: @Juu_331

3rd person p.o.v
It was a thursday morning and the boys were preparing to go on tour again. The tour bus was all packed up, and the boys had a few last minute interviews they had to do that day, before they finally hit the road.

Louis was rushing around his house, clumsily throwing things into a backpack, that he might possibly need for the day. There wasn't really much he needed though, considering most of his belongings were cramped into the trunk of the tour bus.

He picked up his phone, and saw that he had a message from niall, it read...
7:01- hey mate I'm outside your house come hop in the car.

Louis checked the time. 7:03. He thought about maybe bringing something to eat for breakfast with him, but decided against it in the end.
He headed to the front door, pulled his shoes on, and then checked himself in the big mirror that hung in his hallway.

He looked awful and he knew it. His face was pale and big bags hung under his glassy eyes. He sighed at his reflection, before yawning loudly, and then heading out the door with his bag, locking it behind him.

He hopped into the passenger seat of nialls car, and chucked his bag into the back of the car.
"Morning tommo, how'ya doin" niall asked him with a cheery smile.
"I'm alright mate, how bout' you?" He said with a croaky voice before letting out yet another huge yawn. 
"You tired or something?!" Niall joked with a laugh, and louis managed to scrape a smile.

In truth, louis had been overworking himself massively and not been sleeping nearly enough. He was up until stupid o'clock in the morning, stressing and worrying about tour, he'd also been trying to work a lot, spending his nights trying to write songs for the band and what not. But unfortunately for him, all the stress and pressure was taking its toll on him.

He barely ate or slept anymore and he had grown thin and frail. Everything was becoming a struggle for him, especially since his job of being a full time musician and performing concerts to thousands of people almost every night would be extremely exhausting in itself.

His bandmates had no idea of what was going on with louis, they could tell he was tired and warn out, but as far as they were concerned, they all were. Little did they know how he was really feeling.

The car journey was kinda long, seeing as niall stopped at liam and Harry's houses to pick them two up aswell. But louis was sound asleep the whole time and so, he didn't even realize when the car pulled up at the venue.

"Lou..." niall called, gently shaking louis in attempt to wake him. He eventually did.
"Geez mate, did you not sleep or something?" Niall asked him, now beginning to sound genuinely worried about his mate.
"Yeh i did i just woke up early i guess" louis brushed off.

The four of them then made their way inside the building, where they met paul and a few of the other staff. And then they went into a small dressing room, where they (especially louis) were plastered in layers of makeup and products so that they would look presentable for the interview.

The four boys made their way into the brightly lit room, where they were faced with hundreds of cameras and expensive looking equipment all set out infront of a small sofa and a chair at the front of the room.

The interviewer was a tall slim lady, who had long black hair that was shiny and straight. She had a cold feeling about her and gave the impression that she was way to good to be interviewing one direction.
As the boys sat down on the sofa, they smiled at the lady, and introduced themselves politely.
The lady smiled awkwardly.
"Umm yes i am aware of your names" she said rudely, and didn't even shake their offering hands. "I'm faith".

The boys brushed it off and the interview began. Louis was tired and everything seemed to be pissing him off. Especially 'faith' and her snobby attitude and stupid questions that no one even really cared about the answers to.

"So then louis, is it true that you and harry are-" but before she could finish the question, louis interrupted angrily.
"What the fuck is your problem?!" He shouted. "It is none of your or anyone's fucking business about me and harry!! So don't even go there you snob!"
"Woah.." harry cried, leaning over and putting a hand on louis knee to calm him. "This isn't like you lou?" He said concerned.

Louis shook his head, in disbelief. He was really working himself up about something he could usually deal with, and people were beginning to notice that something was up.
A man from management shouted at him for how he was behaving, and it tipped him over the edge.

"OH DO YOU WANT TO FUCKING START NOW TOO??!" He shouted, "WHY IS EVERYONE SO FUCKING ANNOYING?!" He was really raging, and his head was begging to spin making him feel dizzy.

"Calm down!" Liam tried desperately to stop louis exploding, but this just made him even worse.

"NO LIAM! I WILL NOT FUCKING CALM DOWN!" And then he stood up quickly, rage running through his blood. And at that moment, he fell to the floor, and everything went black.

Everyone leaped out of their seat, and rushed over to louis, lying lifelessly on the hard floor.
"Call 911!" Liam shouted, and peolple rushed about in pure panic and chaos. An ambulance arrived, and took louis to the hospital, along with paul. Unfortunately though, the others weren't allowed to go with them, so they had to make their own way there.

Niall, liam and harry sped down the roads, ignoring all the speed limits, and nearly crashing on multiple occasions. But fortunately they made it there alive. When they arrived, they asked the lady at the front desk where to find louis, and she was very helpful and directed them to the right place, where they were made to wait outside in the waiting room with paul whilst louis was being seen to.
"Shit, what the hell is going on with him??" Liam asked to no one in particular.
"Pff i have no idea! That was just so out of character for him." Harry said concerned and niall just starred into space, not blinking or moving.

After about twenty minutes of waiting, the boys and paul were finally allowed to see louis. They made their way into the small ward where louis lay silently, but awake, on the bed.
"Lou...are you ok?" Niall asked. And louis nodded. "What happened?" Liam questioned.

"He is extremely burnt out and underweight." A doctor told them. "It seems louis has not been sleeping or eating enough and as a result of that, his body was unable to handle the stress." he continued.

The boys felt awful and guilty that they had not noticed it, but louis reassured them that it wasn't their fault. He was made to take a break and the tour was put back, to give him enough time to recover and get back to normal, which he did after some much needed rest and therapy.

Hey! Long time no see. Firstly i hope you like the story, I'm not quite sure if it was what you had in mind or not, but I enjoyed the different style anyway. Also sorry i know it is pretty short.

Secondly i want to apologise for the very long time i have been unactive for. I have been going through a rough time these past months and writing on here was not something i felt up to doing. However a recent message made me realise that their are still people waiting for requests and who want to read what i write, so i found some unfinished work, and decided to finally crack on with it. So look out for some more sickfics coming soon.

To anyone who is still waiting for a request, i have not forgotten about it! And i will be completing them all very soon!

Finally i hope you are all ok and having a good day/night wherever you are in the world. ❤️‍🩹✨

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