Harry - bronchitis

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Request for: @Beckyxx06

3rd person p.o.v

It was a cold winter friday in December, and the boys had just finished a long day at school. They were all exited because they were all going to harry's house for moovies and a sleepover.

The final bell rang, to signal the end of the school day, and everyone bundled out of their classrooms and into the corridors. The four boys all looked around desperately in the crowds of people, trying to spot one another, niall bumped into louis, and then they spotted liam, but harry was still out of sight. To be fair, he was only sixteen, whereas the others were all a little bit older than him, 17 and 18, and so he was small and often got lost in the crowds.

Louis, liam and niall all made their way through the crowds of people, until they spotted the curly boy on the floor, he had been tripped up by some of the older years.
"Haz!" Liam called, rushing over to him and helping him up.
"Shit what happened??" Louis panicked.
"Just tripped over haha, don't worry I'm ok!" He replied.
The boys made sure he was ok, before heading out to the school gates, all exited for the evening.

It was very cold out, and the air was thick with mist. But the boys were meant to be walking to harry's and had no other way of getting back. It would be a good 20 minute walk, and so reluctantly they set off.

Harry's p.o.v
As we began to set off, the wind grew stronger, and i was the only one without a coat. I was really freezing but I didn't want to spoil the mood, so i just stuck it out. About 5 minutes in, it began to snow! Usually i would be very exited, as in england it does not snow often, however due to the fact that i had been having a bad day, and now had no way of warmth, i was far from exited, i just wanted to be at home in front of the fire, drinking hot chocolate.

"Come on hazza! Keep up" niall called, and i quickened my pace to catch up with the others, nearly slipping on the already settled snow, but regaining my balance.
"Woah careful buddy" liam laughed and i managed a smile in return.

Next thing i know, the boys have all ran out into the empty road, and started throwing snowballs at eachother. I wasn't in the mood.
"Come on guys...let's keep going.." i tried to say, but they couldn't hear me among their laughing and screaming.
"Ugh whats the flipping point?!" I muttered to myself as I began to shiver.
"Come on harry!! This is so fun! Join in!" Niall shouted.
"Yeah! Don't be boring!" Louis added. And i just rolled my eyes. My nose and hands felt like ice and..and... "ahh ahh ah choo" oh well that is just great. I had started sneezing now!

Eventually after what felt like forever, the boys had finished with their snowball fight and had finallyy began walking again.
The sneezing continued almost the whole way back, and no one even noticed. I felt invisible and like i was turning into ice.

It was early evening when we made it home. My mum and sister - gemma - were in the kitchen making dinner for everyone, and the warmth wrapped around me as soon as I entered the house.

We all took off our shooes and coats, and i showed the boys to the lounge (even though they had all been here a 1000 times before). We sat down on the sofas, all wrapped in blankets, and the fire had already been lit so it was nice and warm. I sat next to liam and louis on the big sofa, and niall sat in the arm-chair in the corner. Louis put the Christmas film on, and switched off the lights, and mum brought us all hot chocolate! It was perfect. Until...
"Ah ah ahh choo!" Ugh I thought, not again.
I continued to sneeze and snivel throughout the film, and the boys kept looking over at me to see what was going on with me.

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