All sick!

413 9 6

Request for: @OhMyUser

3rd person P.O.V
It was the morning, and the boys had the day off. They were all staying at nialls house, seeing as they only had one day off, and they had plans to go to the water park today. They thought it would be best, as niall lived closest.
Harry woke first, and he was greeted with a strange pain in his stomach. He sighed and got up, hoping that maybe he had just slept in a funny position, and if he moved around, it might go away. But he was wrong. The pain did not go away, and if anything it intensified, tightening and churning.

Harry headed to the bathroom, he brushed his teeth and did his business, before searching through the cupboards in hope to find some stomach relaxers.
He thought about asking niall if it was ok to have some seeing as it was his house, but he decided against it, he didn't want to make a fuss on their day off.
So he opened the jar, and swallowed two of the pills, washing them down with a mouthful of water from the tap.

Meanwhile, liam was already awake, he had been for a few hours, and couldn't get back to sleep, he was sitting in the lounge by himself, scrolling on his phone.
In all honesty he felt pretty rough. His stomach was uneasy, and he was feeling feverish, with a bit of a headache. He didn't want to tell anyone though because of course, he didn't want to ruin their plans for the day.

Next to wake were louis and niall, and surprisingly, they seemed to feel fine. They raced downstairs, exitedly, looking forward to the water park.
They met liam in the kitchen, and weren't surprised that he was already up. They knew how organised he was.
"Morning payno!" Niall chirped.
"I'm so buzzing for today!!" Louis exlaimed, grabbing a box of cereal from the cupboard, and bringing it to the table where niall and liam were already sat.
"Me tooo" niall beamed, as he poured the cereal into his bowl.
The two boys tucked into their breakfasts, scoffing their faces, in a hurry.

Liam on the other hand, was feeling too sick to eat.
"You gonna eat anything mate?" Louis asked worriedly.
"Oh I've already had some breakfast earlier" liam lied, not wanting to cause any suspicion. The boys seemed to believe him. Then thier attention swapped to the absence of harry.
"Where's curly?" Niall asked, mouth full of food.
"I'll go look for him" liam said, knowing that it would give him the opportunity to look for some medicine at the same time.

He headed into the bathroom, and found the bottle of stomach relaxers left out on the counter, lid off. 'That's wierd' liam thought. 'Who would be taking stomach relaxers? I'm the ill one, and it definitely wasn't me' he thought to himself. He abandoned his thoughts, and took some of the pills, chugging some of the water from the tap, and then heading to find harry.

He headed into harry's room, to find him curled up in his bed, sweating and shivering at the same time.
"Oh my god harry" he choked, rushing over to his side. "What's going on?"
"Don't feel well" he mumbled, tossing and turning in discomfort.
"Shit" liam realised that, that would explain the stomach relaxers. Liam felt awful for himself, but worse for harry. He knew that he was the best person to look after harry, and so he didn't want to admit how bad he was feeling himself. Harry needed more attention.
"Ok buddy I'll go ask niall for a thermometer" liam reassured, and rushed out the room.

"Ni..." liam called as he hurried into the kitchen where niall and louis were sat, still enjoying their breakfasts.
"Yeh mate? Whats up?" Niall replied.
"Have you got a thermometer anywhere? Harry's sick" he explained.
"Not today. Not on our day off." Niall whined.
"Ugh seriously. You know what he's doing right? He hates water parks, he's just trying to get out of it and spoil it for the rest of us" louis said sassily.

Liam felt bad, because he knew harry really was sick, and he felt sick too, which meant that it was probably a shitty bug.
"No lou, he really is sick" liam said desperately.
"He's just a good actor mate, don't let him use you" louis said, shaking his head. The three boys were silent for a minute, not sure what to do or say, before liam got unpatient and annoyed.
"Niall? Thermometer?"
"Oh..uh...dunno mate sorry" he said blankly, clearly swaying towards louis' opinion.

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