Louis stomach flu (x factor judge)

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Requested by: Maja_crazybee

Hope you like it and feel free to leave me a request i love hearing and writing your ideas :))

Louis p.o.v
I flushed the puke-filled toilet for what felt like the hundredth time that night, and took a deep breath before taking a long sip of water from the bathroom tap. I had been feeling sick the whole day, but it was only once I had gone to bed that I actually started throwing up, and since then I hadn't been able to stop.
I looked into the mirror and studied the pale reflection that stared back at me. I was hot and sweaty and I had big bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep.
I headed back to my bedroom and hopped into my bed, the covers had gone cold, just how I liked it. I picked up my phone and checked the time.
I sighed and leaned back into the pillow, before rolling over and shutting off the lamp on the bedside table.
My stomach was still churning, but sleep found me quickly and soon i was out cold.

I had to be up early in the morning because i had to travel a long way away for a long set of x factor auditions, and at this point I wasn't sure how well i would be able to survive the car journey, let alone a full day of watching and judging auditions, not to mention the fact that the footage would be going out to millions of people (after being edited, luckily it wouldn't be live).

Beep beep beep.
I sighed and leaned over to my alarm, i clicked snooze and went back to sleep. Five minutes went by.
Beep beep beep.
"Ugh yes ok ok I'll get up" i groaned to myself as i switched off the alarm and stood up, stretching my legs, my stomach still cramped and made funny noises, and my head was banging, but luckily I wasn't feeling so nauseous now. I probably puked up everything I had in me already.
The time was 5:30am and i needed to be at the venue for 9:00am, however the journey itself would take 3hours (providing there was no traffic) leaving me half an hour to get ready.

I made my way to the bathroom and unscrewed a bottle of stomach relaxers and painkillers, popping the pills into my mouth and swallowing it down dry.
I didn't know how long they would stay down, considering i had nothing in my belly and hadn't eaten for over 24 hours, but I figured it was worth a try
I remember harry always told me to never take pills on an empty stomach, back when I was in 1D and used to struggle with migraines. I shrugged to myself before brushing my teeth and splashing my face with cold water to cool me down.
I was hot and knew i had a fever but i just couldn't be bothered to take my temperature using a thermometer, it would just tell me what i already knew and it seemed like a waste of time.

I trudged downstairs and into the kitchen before opening up the fridge...and then closing it again. I didn't feel like food. I stood frozen in thought for a minute, deciding what I should do. I knew I needed to eat, it would be stupid of me not to, especially since I had such a long day ahead of me, but i just couldn't bring myself to act do so, the thought of throwing it all back up again later just put me off, so I went upstairs and got changed instead.
Once I was dressed, i went back into the bathroom, i gave myself a spray of deodorant, cringing as the smell went up my nostrils and messed with my headache, and then I had a quick shave.

The time was 5:52am and I decided i was ready to go. I grabbed my keys and phone and a few other bits I would need, including some plastic bags (you know, just incase) and a water bottle. I headed out the front door, locking it behind me, and jumped into the car.
I started the car up and began my journey.
It was still dark outside and there was a slight breeze coming through my open window, which i liked, and the roads were almost empty too, which hopefully meant there wouldn't be any traffic later on.

I must've been about half an hour into the journey when my already upset stomach let out a loud growl, I knew it must've been because I was so hungry, so I placed my hand over my belly, keeping one hand on the wheel, and turned the car into a service station to grab some breakfast.
It was only 6:30am so there was only the cashier, me and an elderly woman in there. I looked up and down the isles of food trying to find the lightest thing there was, before settling on a packet of crackers and a takeaway cup of tea. The cashier was a young male who looked even more tired than me, and he gave me a bit of a wiered look when i put the items onto the counter. I just awkwardly smiled at him before paying and then getting the hell out of there.
I hopped back into the car and ate my crackers and sipped my tea, i ate just under half the packet, and I must admit, things seemed to be sitting suprisingly well in my stomach considering i had spent half the night violently expelling my insides.

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