Louis sick on the bus/plane

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Louis' P.O.V
"That's it lou....your ok..." harry cooed in my ear, as i threw up for what felt like the thousandths time that day. We were on the tour bus, and we were travelling to the airport, to get a flight to the next country on our world tour.
I had been sick since i had woken up, i had a fever and a really sick stomach, and it sucked because we weren't allowed to make any stops the whole journey.

I leaned over and flushed away the mess, before standing up, and rinsing my mouth with water from the bathroom tap. Harry helped me out to the living room area of the bus, where i had been spending most my day, and the other 3 boys made sure i was ok. Which I wasn't, but I appreciated them asking.
"You're looking really pale tommo" liam said "i think you should see a doctor". I sat down next to harry and zayn, thinking about how much I really didn't want to see a doctor.

"I've spoken to management, they don't give a shit" niall sighed in response.
'Thank god' i thought to myself.
"Arse holes" liam muttered.
"How about we watch a film? That might cheer you up lou?" Zayn suggested, ruffling my hair, making me smile.
"Sure" i nodded, and i picked toy story, so the boys put it on for me, and grabbed a bucket incase i needed it during the film.

The film had only been on for about 45 minutes, when i felt my stomach twist violently, pushing a lump up my throat. I burped involuntarily, bile looming in my mouth.
"You ok tommo?" Harry asked from beside me, and i nodded my head. I didn't want to admit that i felt like i might vom, because then it would make it real.
"You sure?" He checked, and i nodded again, the lump slowly sinking back down to where it came from.
5 minutes went by, where i thought i was lucky, i thought i had escaped throwing up, until again, i felt the same lump rising in my throat, threatening to send out anything i had left in my poorly stomach.

I took a deep breath as started to sweat, focusing all my attention on the film, trying desperately to ignore the growing nausea inside me. I burped again, before a loud gag escaped suddenly, and i sat bolt upright.
Everyone noticed, and harry, being the closest, grabbed the bucket from off the floor, and shoved it infront of my face just in time.

I retched loudly, a mixture of stomach acid and bile spilling from my mouth and into the bucket.
"Aw lou..." harry coxed, rubbing my sweaty back.
Another round of sick, bursting into the filling bucket.
"Haz....i...h.hate..it..." i cried in between retches.
"Aw i know baby, you'll be ok, it's nearly over..." harry cooed back.
Zayn was on the other side of me, helping harry to hold the bucket, whilst comforting me at the same time, and niall had left the room, as he had a phobia of people throwing up.
When i had finished, liam took the bucket from me, and returned with a glass of water, then he disappeared again to clean out the bucket, ready for next time I needed it.

I took a shaky sip from the glass, my hands trembling, before handing it to harry, who put it down on the table.
Niall and liam both returned, liam handing me the clean bucket, and then they both sat back down again, ready for the film to resume.
"How'ya feeling now tommo?" Niall asked me kindly.
"Dunno...bit better i guess" i sighed, not really sure if i did feel better or not, just saying it, to not make a fuss.

I made it to the end of the film, with no more incidents, luckily, and by now, it was dark outside. The bus driver made an announcement through the speaker that we would be arriving at the airport soon, and that we should start to prepare ourselves to leave.
I stayed seated, too exhausted and sick to move. I wanted to get off this stuffy bus, but did I really want to be trapped on a plane for 6 hours, with no fresh air at all?

"You gonna get ready mate?" Liam asked me, as the others rushed off frantically to pack their bags, and get ready.
I shook my head to answer liam's question, not having the energy to talk.
"You feeling tired?"
I nodded.
"Aw buddy i bet you are" he sympathised, giving me a sorry look.
"Don't..wanna go on the plane..." i mumbled, my voice souding dry and raspy.
"Aw lou, you'll be ok...besides you'll probably fall asleep as soon as we get on.." liam reassured.
"I'll go get your stuff ready mate, you just stay here and rest up" he smiled.
"Thanks payno" i croaked.

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