Harry sick on tour (includes larry)

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Requested by: ilangel1

Harry's p.o.v
Everyone clambered inside the tour bus and took their seats in the living room area.
"That was sick lads!!" Niall exclaimed. We had just finished a concert and everyone was buzzing. Well all exept me. I had been feeling a little off throughout the concert, but I just couldn't work out what it was, and now i was starting to get a headache and i felt hot, possibly indicating a fever but I wasn't sure.

"You're quiet haz, you ok?" Louis whispered into my ear as he leaned over and stroked my leg. I snapped out of my daze and looked over to louis who was sitting next to me on the sofa, staring at me with concern.
"Yeh I'm just tired lou"
"You sure love?" He asked worriedly. I nodded my head and stood up, causing all the lads to look up at me.

"I'm just...gonna go to bed guys" i said awkwardly.
"You sure harry? It's only half 10" zayn questioned in a suprised voice.
"Yeh, I'm tired, see ya in the morning"
"Early start tomorrow, we've got a busy day, sleep well hazza" liam reminded me, and i gave him a weak smile in return.
Everyone said goodnight to me and with that i went to bed, falling straight to sleep the moment my heavy head hit the pillow.

No one's p.o.v
No one thought much of harrys behavior, not even louis, they all just assumed he really was tired.
After a little while of just chatting and messing about on their phones, the rest of the boys decided to turn in too, and eventually, sleep soon found all of them.

Harrys p.o.v
I woke suddenly and was greeted by the overwhelming sence of nausea that squirmed inside me, and my head was spinning, causing me to feel dizzy. I opened up my curtain and saw the rest of the curtains still shut meaning everyone was asleep, and it was still dark so i knew it must have been either really late or really early.
I lay still, trying to ignor the growing sick feeling in my stomach, but it was no use, I could feel a lump growing in my throat and I began to sweat, half from the fever, and half from the panic of knowing what was about to happen.

A sickly burp erupted from my mouth, as i shot up, and without warning I threw up. My eyes stung with tears as i coughed and spluttered over myself, letting the horrible smell of vomit fill the bunk.  I hoped that I didn't wake anybody but at the same time I really wanted someone here with me.

The next thing i knew, niall was helping me out of my bunk, and assisting me to the small bathroom.
"Hazza..." he cooed. "D'ya want me to get louis for you?" He asked. And i shook my head as i stared into the toilet below.
"Don't...wanna...w..wake him" I stuttered as I tried to catch my breath. Louis found it hard to get to sleep as it was, so i would feel very bad if I were to wake him now.
Niall rubbed my back as i threw up twice more, and then he fetched me a glass of water from which i took a few sips.

"How about you go get changed buddy and I'll clean up your bunk?" He suggested, and I nodded gratefully. I flushed the toilet and then grabbed some clean clothes and got changed as niall cleaned my vomit filled bunk. I waited in the living room so that I didn't have to smell the vomit, and stared into space, as niall returned back to me, thermometer in hand.
"Ok then haz, I'm guessing you've probably got a fever, but best to check hey?" He sighed and I opened my mouth so he put it in.

"38.9" (102.2) he stated "deffo a fever mate".  I shrugged, it didn't come as a suprise to me.
"D'ya wanna sleep out here or d'you want to go back to the bunks?" He asked as he popped the thermometer on the table and took a seat next to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"Stay here" i said, I didn't fancy going back into my bunk, it was to stuffy and confined in there. Plus out here it was closer to the bathroom incase i needed it again.

Niall grabbed me a bucket and some blankets and then hopped onto the sofa and layed down with me.
"Thanks nialler" i said sleepily as I cuddled into him, and he rustled my curly hair.
"Anytime H" he returned. We lay awake for a few minutes before falling fast asleep.

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