BONUS 2 - Pt 2 - Xmas Day

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It's 2:04 am, I'm sitting in the airport, hair dyed a hideous bright blue, red contacts in, I look completely different, not that anyone would recognise me anyways. What am I even trying to pull here? To think Tomura would abandon his master, he's like a lost puppy, who got picked up by a lost man. I want to help him. I love him. But he doesn't get it, I'm not going to stay and watch him die, and blame myself. I know I will anyway. Everyday, checking Japanese news, seeing if his mugshot pops up, death sentence, or limp body after the 10 o clock news. How I'll hate myself. Stand over the edge of the building, thinking if I didn't go, I could have saved him.
But if I don't go, he'll fall into this same cycle, hurting himself, then me, then people. I don't mind that bit, this crappy world already punished me enough, filled me with enough poison to last three lifetimes. And he might come along, we might love and live and laugh and cry. Together.
Flight 214 please go to the next stage of the airport.
Crap. Why isn't he here. I though the text would be enough. What's he doing. What does that prove.

Maybe... he never loved me? And this was the key to getting me off his back...

Shigaraki POV

Shit. Shit. What do I do. I'm here now, I may aswell go through with it. I look down at my walking-talkie. Sweat pouring off my face.

"Go." I call. With that, countless bright lights shine below me, everyone in AFO's service doing their last deed, most will die. But some, some'll live in the glory I've always wanted. I told some kid he's the leader of the operation. Nobody even knows I exist in this. I spin around and pace away from the square. If I don't make it in time, I'll never see her again. And I'll have let down all the promises I made.

"Heya Shiggy!! I'm tired of this crap! We aren't getting anywhere, maybe Europe has some suuuper cute boys with luscious blood for me!! Just, don't tell y/n... I couldn't do that to her... anyways, I think you should always pick her over Him. For gods sakes, as a last wish?"

"They're going to catch me, I'm surrounded, I'll be locked up, my dad, brothers and sister, I'll see them, in my last dying breaths, at least it won't be in this shit hole. You're no good in this business Shigaraki. All talk and no punch, just run off with y/n. I know she wants to leave too."

I hear the bell strike two. Two am, I have an hour. One hour. One hour. To see her, to run to her, the fight isn't over though, I want to see how it'll play out.

"God y/n. Couldn't you just wait one day?!" I call out.

"Jeez. You're lucky I was flight 213...
Merry Christmas you brilliant bastard." She whispered, sending a snowstorm on the whole left side of Tokyo. The blizzard engulfing is into a beautiful sheet of white.

"Merry Christmas, y/n."

I got to know her. And I did. I made her mine.

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