BONUS 2 - Pt 1 - Xmas Eve

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(Set straight after end of book, so before the family chapter!)

He's so perfect, how did I get so lucky?
To think... someone like her... with me?
He doesn't realise how amazing he is.
She doesn't appreciate her worth.
I don't deserve him.
I don't deserve her.
I'm now a villain, after all...
I made her into a monster like me.


I curl up in my bed, my dimly lit Christmas lights crackling and sparkling, no discounts on lights being a villain... I roll around, trying to ignore the blunt, harsh, rays of sunlight. It's Christmas Eve. And it's not snowing, what a crap Xmas this'll be. Falling off the bed, I get dressed, slipping on a sleek Christmas dress I took from Toga's lifeless, cold room. I carefully unattached the boiling tubes and, put the blood in my drawer... I look at myself before heading into the hallway, greeted by Shigaraki, pouring himself a glass of what seems to be whisky.

"Hey! No wonder your voice is so raspy!! Remind me to pick you up some LemSip!" I remark, slipping over to greet him.

He stares at me with is widened eyes.
"I thought you loved my raspy voice-" He begins.

I go bright red, i don't think he meant that... weirdly... but the way he put it, the way his tone, it seemed all too coincidental...

"Yeah.. but... it can't be healthy."

"If you think I'm healthy, a villain in his early 20s, already has white hair and a voice of and 80 year old. You're dating the wrong guy." He mocked.

This backchat attitude made me blush vigorously, i tried to shrug it off, if Tomura wasn't so gullible, and everyone was here, I'd be a goner.

"So, uh. Why did you decide to do everything tonight.?"I ask.

"We have nothing else to lose. Everyone's dead already, Dabi locked up in a ward, constantly tormented by Endavour. Toga vanishing, not taking anything and leaving everything behind. Twice dead. Spinner and Kurogiri, also a no go. I'm at wits any y/n." He sighs deeply, I can hear the pain, he really did grow on them.

"So why don't we just leave?" I ask him softly.

"We could get a place in some other country, one who doesn't know of our existence, one where quirks are prohibited of use. You know we could do it. We've been inconspicuous for a year without everyone else! Nobody thinks we're alive anymore!!" I continue, a joyous tone picking up in my speech.

After everything that's happened, everything we've been through,you'd think I'd be at rock bottom, scared, pissed off and lonely. But I'm not. I've needed an excuse to start over, and what better than this? You've got to be kidding me if he says no.

".... maybe... after tonight... I want to go off with a bang, leave a mark on this society."

I roll my eyes, he never gets it.

"We're never gonna leave a mark!! In five years nobody will remember your name, maybe some will remember the League. Villains don't get remembered. Only heroes. When we finally put All Might into that vegative state, or killed that kid from that Class 1A, people stirred, but mourned the loss, not openly learnt our names! You're a child Tomura! A pathetic child!! When will you learn to grow up!" I scream, wide eyes and desperate, clinging to the frame, snow falling from my fingertips. Him, silence and reproachful, eyes piercing into my own, like blades of blood and poison.

"Then stop babysitting me, and leave."

"...ok then... If you don't listen to me now, you never will... just... don't die.. alright...."

Shigaraki POV

It's been three hours, I'm sitting alone, in this damp, mildew stained apartment, tearing my hair out. She sent me the plane time and airport, I could be with her in 30 minutes. But I have to do this, master would be ashamed, I'd be a failure, work comes before her. That's always been my rule, she just didn't know that..
Or, never got in my way before?

I take one last look at the dilapidated shack I called home, before leaving the house, I guess Ill see where I go to. Her, or the fight.

Her... or the fight.

Her or the fight.

He's going to die.

I'm gonna die.

He knows what he's doing.

Do I want to die??

I thought he loved me.

I love... her?

It's funny, how a mental knife stabs 10 times deeper than a real one.

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