8 - 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎

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Shigaraki POV

I screamed, shrill and raspy, my voice became harsh, yet I didn’t care, it was her first fight, and she was already going to die, why did I care? If it was Dabi, I wouldn’t care one bit, I wouldn’t even respect the
loss. What’s changed. What’s changed about me? And where the – is everyone?

Kurogiri finally looked at me, a tear trickled down my face, but I didn’t care, it was only Kurogiri after all, he took one look at Y/N, before encasing us both in a warp gate. We arrive back at the bar, Kurogiri leaves to retrieve Dabi and Toga, I begin to look at Y/N, she was stabbed in her left side, blood dripping onto the hardwood floor, I didn’t mind, it would only replace the bloodstains already there.

She looked up at me, she was still conscious, yet I could tell she could become knocked out in any second, I tried to keep her awake. Kurogiri warped back and I stared up at him, he was staring helplessly at me. Toga saw Y/N’s collapsed form and ran towards her, she wanted to drink her blood, but I couldn’t let her, if Y/N was going to die, at least make her death decent.

Suddenly, Dabi knelt next to me, he looked at Toga and they both looked towards me, I eyed them suspiciously. Then he began to speak.

“Me and Toga can save her, but you’ll have to get out, we don’t want you disturbing us.”

I angrily stared at him, I don’t take the orders, I’m the leader, I was about to refuse, but I looked at Y/N she was unconscious, and her breathing began to slow, we were running out of time, all her life, and her quirk would be wasted. She was amazing, if she died, we’d lose a useful asset.

I stood up, and left, walking lifelessly to my room. I slammed the door, and a few shards left the door handle, I picked up
random pencils and pens and began to disintegrate them, I liked to watch the flakes fly around the room, it was a healthy distraction at least.

Many hours passed, I sat on my bed and waited, unmoving, it must be early morning already, yet I haven’t left, why haven’t they finished? Have they finished and not warned me?

I slowly stood up, and walked towards the door, I placed my hand on the handle and opened it slowly, lingering behind the door, I peered out, there was talking, a soft murmur, the angelic voice of Y/N, it was raspy, like mine, but she was weak, I could tell.

I ran out, slamming open the door to the bar, and seeing her sitting on the dilapidated sofa, drinking a glass of water, her whole torso was bandaged, and she was pale and deathly.

But she was breathing, she was breathing...

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