14 - Dilemma

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You slide down the mountain, a few scratches scathe your body, yet you don't mind. Once your two feet hit the ground, you begin the fight. Your eyes turn a brilliant blue and your h/c begins to float manically. Over the past few months, your power has increased to unimaginable strengths.

You stomp aggressively on the ground, shooting both your hands into the air, lightning bolts dart from the sky, in waves of white and yellow. You grin sadistically as you watch the area around you turn beautiful orange and reds. After a while, you begin to see the blue flames mix in with it, you are outstand by its sheer beauty.

You can't wait long to look at the view, you need to begin the second charge.

You run through the forest, a small raincloud above your head, preventing you from getting smoke near you. You trip over a small root, protruding from a nearby tree and you fell heavily into a bush.

"Hey Ochaco? Did you hear that?"

"Y-yeah, didn't it come from that bush?" She falters.

You gulp, you weren't expecting someone so close the the mountain. You feel their presence come near you, and you flick your hands up, ready to shoot beams of light at them.

Your body however, stopped, your blood went cold and you couldn't breathe, couldn't think straight. What would happen if you got caught? What would happen to you? To Tomura? You couldn't take that risk, yet why couldn't you move.

You felt four hands rustle in the bushes nearby you, and you sigh as they move further away. Sh*t. They heard.

"Tsu, let's do this!" A tone of resilience picking up in the girls voice.

You feel someone touch you back, and you scream, as you feel yourself floating upwards, you thrash and shout, throwing sunlight, rain and snow in every direction.

You vision begins to return, and you see a girl, resembling a frog, she wraps her tongue around you and both the girls clap happily.

You wouldn't be caught that easily. Flaying your hands to the sides, you shoot two lighting bolts either side of you. That was the mistake you made.

The frog like creature jumped, letting go of you but shooting you miles into the sky, the other girl had cancelled her quirk, and you feel yourself falling into the main camp of these disgusting people.

You crash to the ground, head bleeding out vigorously, you begin to lose consciousness. The world begins to fade around you, you scream in pain, feeling your broken bones.

It was all because you were too reckless.

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