18 - Are (Book 2)

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I sit in my room, my cell, I sigh, the same old empty feeling in my soul, my memories are beginning to come back, more faces, memories, events, I hate it. I hate not knowing anything, not knowing who is lying and who is telling the truth, I can't even use my quirk, I think about breaking out, but what would that achieve? I'd become a villain, if, I wasn't already a villain. Sometimes, when I'm sure no-one's watching, a practice my quirk, it seems everything I learnt about my quirk has faded away. Everyday I ponder the pros and cons of breaking out, what would happen, would I get far, getting out of this prison, would it unlock my memories. I heard the guards mentioning a man known as All For One, apparently he is the leader of the LOV, was that the Master that Shigaraki was talking about?

A sudden wave of intelligence and power washes over me, if I escape, I can learn my connection with Shigaraki, and learn if I really was a bad guy. I have to do it now though, I look down at the shackles in my chair, they say they're protection, but I see this place as a stone-cold prison. I look at my hands, twisting them slightly, I'm able to move them enough to cause a small icy cloud to loosen the grip. I activate my quirk, feeling a tingling, warm feeling in my heart as I activate it. I loosen the grip, sighing happily as I feel the cold air heal the red, bloody marks around my wrists. I breathe heavily, the realization of my actions consuming me, yet I have to keep going.

I pull myself up, confidence beginning to rise in my chest, I stretch my legs, having not done so in who knows how long, I smile before staring at the tinted glass screen, nobody there, the guards will notice me soon enough anyway. Suddenly, I stop, what did I just think? That was kind of villainous, ha. Maybe being a villain wouldn't be that bad.

I propel my hands forwards, I feel my hair begin to float and I realize I'm losing control already, my vision begins to blur and my thoughts begin to go fuzzy. I know that when I wake up from my quirk induced trance, I'll physically be in pain, because in that trance, I won't be able to know when I'm pushing against my limits. I'll suffer the consequences, after I find Shigaraki.

I push all of my strength into making a huge wind storm, reflecting all of my power at the glass all, shattering it in one fine motion, grinning aggressively, I run straight for the glass, jumping up through the once formed window. After I land, my stomach lurches slightly, I had only been given the minimum amount of food needed to survive, so I was weak.

Pushing past my stomach pain, I continue to trudge forwards, I won't have a lot of power left, but I'm only have thinking so I'll face those consequences when I find him. I smash through the second glass window, revealing me in a tall, foreboding skyscraper, 100ft tall. Sirens begin to go off and I hear deep screams and shouts. Not only do these come from the halls of the tower, but from outside, I look out wistfully on the horizon, I hear a huge scream and a painfully loud explosion, flinching slightly, I look to the left of me and see the city below me destroyed. That must have been what the guards were speaking about, so that must be where Shigaraki was.

Before I can jump, I feel two hands grab me from behind, writhing my hands and twisting my neck I see an officer screaming ferociously in my ear. He tries to pull me back, consumed by hate, I activate my quirk, sending a gust of wind in his direction, launching both him and me off the building, before I fall to my death, I use another small burst of wind to push me off the officer and in the direction of Shigaraki.

Once I finally land on the ground, I bash my head to the floor, panting heavily, I feel the wind escaping my body and I breathe heavily, slowly trying to recuperate my breath. I cautiously bring my hand to my forehead, touching it slightly, I feel the wet, oozing blood seep out of a gash, I wince slightly, beginning to feel nauseous, however, if I give up now, I'll surely die. I stumble slowly towards the sounds of screams, cheering and shouts, knowing Shigaraki will be close by.  Why am I doing all of this, just to see this one man, this one villain.

I scrape my hands on the floor and I feel the moisture in my eyes, pushing the tears away, I hear the hollow echo of explosions bellow in my ears, beginning to pick up my pace with all of my strength, I break through the crowd of people, I can't find him, I can't remember his face well enough to search through the crowd of frightened and anxious civilians.

"SHIGARAKI!" I scream, my voice hoarse and body aching, people stare at me, reproachful. I glare at them before shrieking again, I can't give up now. I'm so close to discovering the answer, finding him. A swirl of colours, emotions and noise cloud my mind, sickness in my stomach building up and a headache pulsing in my mind. I wince, still howling restlessly, hoping he is nearby watching. Pleading he recognises my frail, shaky voice.

Hello! Sorry this is posted a couple of hours late, I was falling asleep before I remembered I had to post today. Hope you enjoy! <3

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