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veronica was on her way to butter to have dinner with the basses. to say that she was nervous was an understatement. gossip girl is back and she sort of cheated on henry with max. while veronica was stuck on her train of thoughts, she didn't notice that she was already outside on one of the most finest restauraunts in manhattan. "ms. archibald, we're already here." her driver said. veronica took a deep breath and got out of the car.

veronica walked through the doors of butter and the hostess approached her. "ms. archibald? the bass family is waiting for you" the hostess said as veronica followed her to their table.

"veronica!" blair excitedly said as she got up and hugged her. henry and chuck got up and greeted veronica too. the young lady sat beside henry and infront of blair.

"hey, i'm so delighted to see you! how are you guys? last time i saw you was 7 months ago!" veronica said. blair smiled and chuck said that things are still the same since she last saw them. "well, i've been busy since paris fashion week just ended and now it's time for new york fashion week! also, love your dress, vee!" blair said, staring at the dress since it's a waldorf dress. veronica and the basses continued to talk for the rest of the night as they ate dinner.

henry has been touchy with veronica all night but she seemed uncomfortable. "um, excuse me for a sec." veronica said as she stood up and went to the bathroom. as she went into the bathroom, she took a deep breath and sighed. while frustrated, her phone rang and saw that it's a message from max.


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weird. why'd he suddenly ask veronica about her whereabouts?


max stared at his phone as he sent a message to veronica. after the day that he's had he's currently lying on his bed. he wanted to hang out with veronica and he doesn't even know why. max wasn't one to catch feelings- to have feelings, so what she's been feeling with veronica is odd.

after his kiss with veronica, all the people that he's kissed after didn't make sense to him. yeah for sure he and aki kissed and aki definitely enjoyed it but max didn't feel anything the way that he felt with veronica. max is denying his feelings for veronica but chooses to hang out with her. his intuition is telling him to just be with veronica.

but since veronica is busy with the basses, he decided to look up henry bass, the guy that veronica will obviously choose over max. "hm, not much results from a famous family? weird." the lonely wolfe said as he didn't see much search results from one henry bass.

max opened instagram and searched henry bass from veronica's followings. max saw his profile and clicked on it.

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