Chapter 12

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You were pacing in the living room, waiting for Reed, Johnny, Sue and Ben to come. The news running in the background. You had seen what happened on the bridge. 

Johnny had called you last night and told you everything. How he was snowboarding and suddenly caught fire, how your brother could stretch. How Sue would become invisible. He didn't know what happened to Ben. But you came to know when you saw the news. You had called Mark and told him that you were staying home and on emergency. 

You chewed your nails nervously. The elevator dinged. You ran towards the elevator and hugged Reed as he came out. "Hey." He said and hugged you back. 

"Thank god, you're okay." You pulled back and hugged Sue and then Johnny. You hugged him a little longer than others. Of course he was your boyfriend. "Where's Ben?" You asked. 

"He's using the stairs. Couldn't fit the elevator." Johnny said. 

You nodded your head in response. "Okay, guys. Get some rest while I set up the equipment." Reed said. 

"What equipment?" You said. "You need to rest all of you." You said. 

"I will rest later, munchkin. I need to find a way to get all of us back to normal." Reed said. "Sue you want a room to yourself or will you share with me?" Reed said removing his coat. 

"I'll share with you." Sue said. 

"Okay. Johnny you can stay in Y/N's room with her. And Ben can stay in the other room." Reed said. "I'll be in the lab." He said and walked off to the lab. 

You just kept looking at your brother. You could tell that he was stressed because of the whole situation. "Hey." Johnny nudged you. 

"Huh? What?" You snapped out of your thoughts. 

"Let's talk. I wanna show you something." Johnny said and started pulling me towards my room. 

"What do you want to show me?" You asked. 

"Patience, sweetheart." He said. We reached our room and Johnny closed the doors. 

"What is it?" You asked again. Getting impatient.

Johnny just smirked and walked towards you and hugged you. "I missed you." He said. 

"Hmm. I missed you too." 

Johnny pulled away slightly and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck while one of his hands stayed at your waist and the other entangled in your hair. 

Pulling away you shoved Johnny lightly, "Is that what you wanted to show me?" 

"No. I wanted to show you this." He said and his whole body lit up on fire. 

You gasped, "Johnny!" 

Johnny came back to his normal self, "I know. It's amazing right?" He said. He didn't realize he was naked. 

"You need clothes." You pointed at him and moved your finger up and down. 

Johnny looked down at himself and shook his head. "I don't think I will. There is something I want to do before I wear clothes again." 

"Johnny...." You blushed. 

"What baby?" Johnny said pulling you in his arms. "Do you want to?" He asked. 

"Yes." You looked at him as he smashed his lips on yours. 

- (Time skip) -

"What happened exactly?" You asked Johnny. 

"Well I was watching Ben outside in space when Reed came yelling at Ben to come back in. And then I saw the storm coming right at us. And then Sue came there as well. The storm hit us before Ben could come back in." Johnny explained. "I don't remember what happened after wards." 

"I'm sorry this happened to you." 

"Sweetheart, you have nothing to be sorry about. It's not your fault." He said. 

"It kinda is. I said nothing would happen and look....." You hide your face in his chest. "I should have been there with you." You sobbed. 

"Hey. Look at me." Johnny said. You looked at him and he continued, "I am glad you weren't up there. If this would have happened to you I would have blamed myself that I couldn't help you. And once again, it's not your fault what happened." He said and wiped your tears. "We should go eat before Reed calls me in the lab." 

"Yeah. I made Lasagna for all of you." 

"You did?" Johnny smiled. 

"Yes." You said. 

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go!"

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