Chapter 14: The Liberal Republic

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Date: 11th December, 1945

Time: 8 : 00 AM

Location: Azur Lane Base, Pacific Ocean

Objective: None

It was a wonderful morning at the Azur Lane Base. The shipgirls are waking up as they begin their morning routine. The Liberal Republic was setting up their morning routines such as going for breakfast and talking about stuff that happened yesterday and in their past lives. Some even created a special bond with the other ship girls.

Conqueror: How's your time with Unicorn, Tenacious?

Bian: Yeah we saw you together at the beach, not far from where we are having fun.

Arissa: I even saw you hugging her. Such cute girls.

Trisula: I agree, I haven't seen Tenacious feeling so happy ever since.

Tenacious: It's the best time for me and this world's Unicorn. Her hug made me remember the time I have spent with the Unicorn from our world, how we watched My Little Pony and how we played games ever since.

Tenacious: I swear my whole life, I will protect her, if it means the killing of Iron Blood and the Sakura Empire!

Chakri: You seemed to have determination, my dear Tenacious.

Tenacious: I now have a purpose here! Protect the Unicorn at all cost!

Aishah: How's your time with Hornet and the other girls? Arissa?

Arissa: Oh we had fun all afternoon! My first time at the beach!

Conqueror: Yeah! We were once ships in our world but now... We can do what we want!

Pasopati: We also get the chance to meet San Diego and Saratoga!

Lekiu: Oh them? Wonder what their talents were back then?

Trisula: Well, San Diego always likes to sing. And always say WATASHI NUMBA WAN! Saratoga, always sees herself as a fictional character like she says Witch-girl Saratoga! Something like that.

Ulsan: They have the same attitude as our San Diego and Saratoga, but they're mature and became famous stars! I think it's nice to see what they're used to be when they're young.

Trisula: We also showed Hornet on how our Hornet was the Sheriff of the Seas. She was happy that her future is like that. But also, she seems happy when our Hornet told about her happy life with her sisters.

Chakri: Yes... In our world, they're now in a happy inseperable life. In here, they're divided, broken after an incident that happened during their service years.

Ma Kong: Me and Tso Ying are listening to our music in our ships because we are bored.

Seoul: Well for one thing I found out that one of the Royal Navy Ships is a destroyer-con.

Aishah: A destroyer-con? What's that term?

Seoul: Have you ever heard of a lolicon?

Ma Kong: Yeah, in Japanese media terms, it's a person who likes girls below 14-16...

Bian: Wait?! A destroyer-con... If a person is a lolicon... Then a destroyer-con...

Tenacious: A ship girl who likes destroyers?! Oh heck no!

Tso Ying: Who is that Royal Navy ship Seoul?

Seoul: Well... it's um surprising to say the least...

Ulsan: Who is she?! How dare she will dare to do anything naughty to our poor destroyers!

Seoul: Her name is HMS...

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