Chapter 41: Manipulation Tears Apart

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Date: 31th December, 1945

Time: 9 : 30 AM

Location: Azur Lane, Pacific Ocean

Objective: None

Enterprise: ... ... ... ... ...

Enterprise: It's quiet... so quiet...

Enterprise: The sea... was it beautiful? Was it... a warzone...

Enterprise: The sea was... a place... where life began...

Enterprise: From mysterious... creatures... to the birth... of billions of species...

Enterprise: The sea... the centuries... history... humanity...

Enterprise: What is this place...? What is left of the ocean...

Enterprise: My friends... Emilia... Chakri... the Liberal Republic...

Enterprise: Azur Lane... my comrades... am I so stubborn...?

Enterprise: War... Freedom... Manifesting freedom... the Eagle Union...

Enterprise: Enty... USS Enterprise from the... United States Navy...

Enterprise: The monster that was inside of me... was the same as her...

Enterprise: Almost... injuring Akagi... but...

Enterprise: Yorktown...? Is that you...? Or maybe Enty's sister...

Enterprise: I have to wake up!

In the void of stars, Enterprise was having a vision of the war. The war that began the Sirens' invasion. The scene of warships sinking, in flames, the ocean was tainted with humanity's blood and screams.

Enterprise: This scene again...

Enterprise then looks to see the same vision she had. A hooded figure carrying a dead High-class Siren to a pile of High-class Siren bodies. With the flaming remains of ships and Siren ships.

Enterprise: What are you?

Enterprise: What are you trying to do here? What are you trying to accomplish by showing me this?

???: War...

Enterprise: (She has the same voice as mine... Is she really my monster...?)

The figure then looks at the Enterprise facing each other for the first time. Enterprise sees her eyes, the same purple eyes that she herself has. Her riggings are almost the same as hers, but what's different about her is that she's not like the former Enterprise...

Nothing left of her gives a sign of her former glory. Only remnants of her once ship of the Eagle Union.

???: I repeat...

???: I have seen many... Across time, over every ocean, I continue to fight.

The figure then reveals to be also carrying the Black Cube. This makes Enterprise now feeling scared of her plans.

???: They're all the same... an endless war... a war with no end to many realities.

???: This ocean... has been engulfed in flames... This world, is my true, crimson lane...

Enterprise: (Crimson Lane... Is this an alternate reality of Azur Lane...?)

Enterprise: (But the Liberal Republic's reality... they made a happy ending...)

Enterprise: Then, why are you telling me this? What am I important to you?

???: For you soon as well... this will be your world as well...

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