Chapter 33: No Sudden Attack

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At the base, at the long bridge...

Ayanami: Where are we going? Why are we going away from the base?

Javelin: Akashi took care of the daily necessities, so...

Tenacious: Today, we're... *A 1910 car then stops by to them*

Illustrious: Good morning.

Tenacious: Oh! Illustrious, and Unicorn!

Unicorn: Hi.

Ayanami: Oh... (Shoot! I remember what I have done on that sudden attack)

Illustrious: What are you doing out here at this hour?

Javelin: Well, we're--

Laffey: On a date.

Tenacious: Huh...

Ayanami: Nani?

Unicorn: What is a date?

Tenacious: Nonononono! Unicorn, nothing! Nothing! It's just Laffey's imagination, you don't need to know about it.

Unicorn: Um... okay.

Tenacious: I'm not also forgetting the promise we made okay! After the war, we'll binge watch everything!

Unicorn: Yes Tenny. *Smiles*

Tenacious: Anyway, we are going to town right now, so, are you joining?

Unicorn: Yes!

They arrived at the town, which is bustling with life and business. Many restaurants are open and many shops as well. Many shipgirls came to play, have fun, eat, watch, explore, and as such learning new things.

Ayanami: (Look at how the others go. It looks even more like a human town!)

Javelin: It's busy out here as always! Always having the best time of their lives.

Ayanami: I'm surprised as well to see this part of the base... I mean, town.

Ayanami: But date, does it mean...

Laffey: We'll play together, all of us.

Tenacious: *Phew*

Ayanami: Oh um. Wait! *She was then pulled by Laffey*

Javelin: Let's have some fun!

Javelin: Come on Unicorn!

Unicorn: Huh? Me?

Tenacious: Friends don't leave behind each other!

Unicorn looks at Illustrious as a sign of permission, Illustrious happily nods her head making Unicorn happy as she then comes after them. This leaves Illustrious and Belfast watching at them happily. Unknown to them is that Ark Royal was hiding among the crowd following them.

They walked together at the bustling town, stopping by at shops and even spaces. They showed Ayanami around, next they stop by at a fruit station, picking on what fruit they should buy and taste.

Tenacious: (Ark Royal! I know you are following us!)

Tenacious: (Speaking of which... Where's the rest of my fleet?!)

All Liberal Girls: (You're on your own. *Laughing*)

Then they played tricks on showing their talents, many watched as Ayanami was having a great time. Next, they go for a Tarot card reading hosted by Erebus. Ayanami was so confused at this point but she doesn't mind, it's after all different history and culture.

Tenacious: Five Berry filled Pancakes with strawberry sauce!

Lekiu: Your order is ready!

Tenacious: Eh?! Lekiu what are you doing here?

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