Chapter 32 - Two Ghosts

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We stayed there for while, just enjoying each other's warmth and comfort. I didn't have the courage to look up at him just yet, but his body wrapping around mine made me feel safe.

"Is she still going to hurt you?" I asked, finally looking up to face him. His eyes were an elusive green in the dimming sun, looking at me in pure adoration. He still looked tired, but happy. I smiled up at him, glad to see that I could make him feel happy. That is all I wanted in life, for him to be happy. And the fact that I was the one to do that made me feel nothing but liquid joy. I was still worried about Valory of course, but I could tell from the fact he was this happy that he had probably gotten her out of his life somehow.

"I'm not sure," he sighed, brushing a piece of hair off my face. "But my mum knows about it now, so if she tries anything, I can report her."

I smiled wider, utter joy rushing through me. I lifted a hand, reaching up to run my fingers through his hair. I brushed through it gently, feeling the softness of it in between my fingers. I watched a smile grace his lips. His eyelashes fluttered lightly against my skin as I held my hand against his hair.

"You know when we first met it was like we were two ghosts," I thought out loud, watching him giggle lightly to my random comment. He fucking giggled.

"Did you just reference a Harry Styles song?" he laughed as a blush spread across my face.

"Let me finish!" I huffed, his cheeky grin softening into a gentle smile. "When I first saw you in your room, I don't know, it felt like the absence of space. Like you were there, but you weren't, you know?"

He nodded at my attempt to articulate this thought I had had.

"I suppose I wasn't really there. I was in a book, wishing my life was different," he spoke his words carefully, as if he had a dictionary in his head and he was choosing each word from it as it came out his mouth. "I wish you knew how much you fixed me," he whispered, tightening his grip on my body just a little bit. I leant closer into his body, resting my head on his broad chest. And I savoured the moment, because now I could.


"Ruel said he'd be a minute," I smiled, sitting down on a couch around the Van Dijk family. It had been about a month since Ruel had gotten out of hospital, and life was good. Life was really really good. Everyone was happy and closer than ever. My parents, Neveah, Kate and Ralph, Coco and Sylvie and more importantly, Ruel. Ruel was happy.

He was happy and present. Since that day at the hospital, I guess you could say we were together. We spent most days together, spending time as us two. But I didn't really mind what the label was, I was just happy to be able to spend time in my life with him as more than a friend.

He wasn't perfect of course. He had bad days as we all do. Sometimes he would shut me out for no particular reason. Sometimes it was scary, but I knew he needed quiet and time to himself, that was just part of the deal. He was so much better now and that is all that truly mattered to me.

"Well he'd better hurry up," Coco rolled her eyes to which I giggled. Coco could be very childish at times, but I found it cute.

"I'm here I'm here," I heard a familiar voice sigh, making me look up. I smiled at the sight, the tall hazel-eyed boy, trudging elegantly down the stairs. I watched him walk over to me and sit down on the couch beside me. I shuffled closer to him, laying my head on his shoulder. I felt him snake his hand around my waist, placing a gentle kiss on the very top of my head. I giggled like a child, enjoying the touch. I would never get sick of this boy, no matter how long I was with him.

"You two are so cute," Sylvie smiled at us, making me scrunch up my nose.

"Aaand you ruined it," Coco flicked her, earning a chuckle from Ruel. They really did act like 9-year-olds sometimes.

"Oh shush you two, it's about to come on!" Kate shook her head, turning on the radio. Ruel had just released a new cover after a long break from music, and we were having a listening party. He had done a cover of Two Ghosts by Harry Styles, because he said it made him think of me, and released it on spotify.

As we listened to Ruel's voice carry the song, I couldn't help but think about how lucky I was to have these people in my life.

We're just two ghosts swimming in a glass half empty.

"I love you," I whispered, quiet enough just for him to hear. I felt him hum in agreement against my hairline, but noticed the smile I could feel on his face. I closed my eyes as utter joy rushed through me.

We started as two ghosts, ended as souls intertwined.

The end.


EEK ITS FINISHED!! thank you all for reading this book, it means a hella lot to me. It feels like just yesterday i started writing seen! I love you all so much, thank you for another journey:)

As always treat yourself with the love and respect you abso-fucking-lutely deserve and have a dandy day <3


- bri <3🍇

Again i can't be bothered to find a quote hehehe #disappointed

Word Count: 984

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