Chapter 26 - Valory.

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"Is Ruel in his room?" I asked her quickly, shoving my feet into some fluffy boots. I knew if he wasn't, she probably wouldn't know. But it was worth asking anyway.

"From what I know of, yes?" she questioned, still confused on what was going on. I didn't blame her. She didn't know really anything about the situation. I just knew I had to go find Ruel, urgently. If he had any correlation to Valory as of now, I knew that it wasn't good.

I felt Coco's eyes on me as I opened my window, ready to climb out of it.

"Where are you going?" she asked, now probably thoroughly confused. I turned back toward her and shot a quick 'I'll be back soon' with a smile before sliding out the window. My room was on the first floor, so it wasn't far of a drop at all. I landed on the ground gently, the darkness of the night temporarily blinding me. I waited a few moments for my eyes to adjust, before looking around to see I was under a tree. Our backyard was fairly small, only really consisting of a couple trees, and a white fence around it. It was quite a tall fence though, and the thought of climbing it in the dark didn't really sound appealing to me.

I didn't think Ruel would be in his room. I just had this gut feeling he was in that old house. And so, ignoring the bitter cold of the night, I started to run. I ran down the empty streets, past where Ruel had found me, past houses and up that hill I was beginning to be much too familiar with.

I stopped at the top of the hill, outside the old house. It looked silent, abandoned. Was he here? Was I wrong? But nevertheless, I shook it off, squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath. I had to do this. What if Valory hurt him again? And so, with that in mind, I forced myself to walk in through the front door, which was surprisingly wide open, and ran up the steps to 'his room'.  But when I stepped through the door, the room was pitch black, only the light of the moon dimly making out a few shapes in the room. There was no lightbulbs in the room, hence there being no ceiling. 

I stepped blindly around the dimly lit room, until remembering I had my phone. I pulled it out of my pocket, pressing the button, which immediately illuminated the screen. I pressed the flashlight button, showing me the wood of the floor beneath my feet. I moved it around the room, his guitar, piano and bed becoming visible. But there was no sign of Ruel. 

I took a few more looks before switching off my phone light and sighing. I melted to the floor, laying flat on my back. Maybe he was fine? Maybe he didn't need any help? Maybe he was still in his room? I shook my head, spacing out of my thoughts, and tuning them into the night sky. It was an unusually clear night; I could see the stars and the moon. It was a crescent moon tonight, and I could see all the stars. It didn't take long until I got lost in the sight of it. I sighed in content. This was my happy place. But of course, that didn't last. 

About 5 minutes later, I heard some noise outside. Which I wouldn't have questioned, but it was one o'clock in the morning, and it sounded like some girl screaming. So me being me, I had to go snoop. I went over to the window and peered out. I could see the figures very clearly, because they were standing under a streetlight. It was a tall guy, and a short girl. As I guessed, the girl looked to be screaming at the guy. I squinted to get a closer look, and realised the guy was Ruel, and the girl was that blonde girl that had pushed us into the pool at the party. Valory, I realised, my face falling. Why was she with him? Why was she yelling at him? Why was Ruel out with her in the middle of the night? It didn't make sense.

I watched intently as she screamed at his face, seeming not to faze him. He just stared at her, his eyes blank, his face sad. This was why. This was why he was so numb. She was abusing him. I watched as she stopped yelling, bringing her hands into her dead-looking blonde hair. She bared her teeth in frustration, before grabbing Ruel's face and smashing her lips on his. I watched him in disbelief as he briefly sunk into the random contact.

And I just stood there, in the window, a pang of pain in my heart. I felt my eyes start to well up as I kept my gaze glued on the two figures in front of me, looking like a scene out of a romance movie. He was kissing her back. And I was just the backup girl. A strangled whimper escaped my mouth, almost as if it was the key to my melancholy, as I started to uncontrollably sob. I couldn't believe it. Of course he didn't like me. He liked Valory. And Valory probably didn't break his heart, or abuse him, it was probably all some dumb act for clout. He completely led me on, for fun, for sport. I was just a game he was finished playing. Now he was back to her. 

I watched them pull away, their eyes opening. I kept my eyes on Ruel, the tears still falling. He still looked quiet, sad. But I didn't want to care. He led me on. His eyes moved around the area before somehow finding the way to lock on mine. I watched them widen before I turned around, away from the window. I was so fucking done. I had to go home. I had had enough of this absolute bullshit.


ik- but ruel isn't a dick i promise guys i promise

Remember to treat yourself with the utmost respect you all need and deserve. Have an awesome day baes ily

- Bri <3


Quote of the day:

I've always been whatever I want and always been exactly who I am.

- Billie Eilish

Word Count: 1063

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