Chapter 11 - He Trusts You.

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It felt like 2 seconds of his company before I heard him shuffle to get up. I looked up from my book to see him walking towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" I asked as more of a plea to stay than an honest question. I actually really enjoyed his company, and it felt lonely sitting by myself.

"Back to my room, they'll be back soon," he replied, not stopping to look at me. I watched as he treaded up the stairs, barely making a sound with his light steps. I didn't ask him to stay. I didn't want to force myself onto him all too fast. Even though we hadn't done much together that day, it was progress. Baby steps. And I had actually gathered some useful information from our short reading session. Now I knew he tolerated my company, so I could do more with him. Maybe I could even get a smile out of him.


"Hello! We're back," I heard Kate's voice call out. It wasn't long before the mess of people piled into the house. Well, there goes any peace and quiet I had. "Oh hey Sunday! Did Ruel come down today?"

"No." I lied. I knew if I told them he had, they would all want to know if he was okay, and they'd end up bombarding him, and if that happened, he would go back into his hibernation state. And that just wasn't healthy. So I decided that my encounters with him would be kept a secret, apart from maybe Coco. But only because I knew Coco wanted to help him as much as I did, and she seemed particularly close with Ruel, so she would respect his boundaries.

"Oh, that's a shame. I'm so sorry you had to sit here and do nothing," she apologised.

"No, no that's fine. I was able to catch up on some reading," I plastered on a smile. I hated lying, especially to Kate. She was so lovely, but I had to lie. It was for the best.

"You're a reader hey? Ruel loves reading too. It's a shame that he won't come down and read with you," she sighed, shaking her head. I could tell she missed Ruel, but understood what he was going through, to which I was happy to know. It was nice she was trying to understand. But I knew there was nothing she could do about Ruel. So in a way, it was my responsibility to get him back for her.

"Maybe someday he will," I smiled, knowing he already had. And I was so grateful he did. There was something about him just being there that made me feel happy.

"I hope so," she smiled sadly, walking away from me. I really had to get him back for them. I just had to. It made me sad to see the rest of the Van Dijks sad. This whole household was sad, just because Ruel was.

The next thing I knew, Coco walked in and sat next to me. She sat silently there for a moment, thinking, I guessed.

"I'm sorry I was such a bitch to begin with," she said quietly, after a little while. I stared back at her, furrowing a brow.

"It's fine Coco, I know why you did it. You were just trying to protect Ruel," I shook my head, refusing her apology.

"But it's not fine, you were nothing but nice to all of us and I treated you like shit. There's no excuse for that." she argued.

"It's okay, I promise. I understand that people like me come in all the time and just expose your lives and that's not fair. So I get it. I'm just glad we're okay now," I smiled softly. She stayed silent for a while, thinking again probably.

"Thank you Sunday. You have no idea how much you've done for us already," she said quietly, looking down at her feet. We sat in silence again, like we had many times before. Even though we were silent, I could tell there were things Coco wanted to say. And I felt like I should tell her what happened.

"Coco?" I asked, making her look up.

"Yeah?" she questioned in response.

"Ruel did come down." I forced the words out of mouth, to the point where they felt unnatural to say. I watched her eyes widen in curiosity, urging me to go on. "I just didn't want to tell everyone, because I think they would harass him, and I'm not sure he's ready for that just yet."

"He left just before we got home, no?" she asked, disregarding the last sentence.

"Yeah, he did."

"I knew it," she smiled wider this time. I couldn't help but wonder why that was good. That meant he didn't want to see his own family. "He trusts you Sunday. That's a good thing."

And with that, Coco got up, the wide smile weakening, but it was still there. She left me sitting on the couch, alone with my thoughts once again.

He trusts you Sunday.

He trusted me? Me? Over his own family, over his friends? Hell, over his fans? I'm the one he chose to see after 2 months of nothing. Why? I'm really just some random nobody that just walked into his house, not having a clue about who these people were and their importance in the music industry. And now, I was just about the only person he would talk to, even though I seemed to annoy him at times.

I smiled idiotically to myself. Yes, I did look stupid. But what was looking stupid, when the heartbroken Ruel Van Dijk trusted me?


I wrote this quickly, very quickly but it's fine. Ok that's all, ily all bye!

As always have a lovely day,
remember to nourish yourself with food and water
and do something that makes you happy!

-Bri (Grape😃)


Quote of the day:

If you desire to make a difference in the world, you must be different from the world.

- Elaine S. Dalton

Word Count: 1018

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