Chapter 7 - Get. off.

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TW: This chapter mentions the consumption of alcohol and mild sexual assault/abuse

"Hello?" a worried Kate answered the phone. Shit. This had to be bad. She sounded really worried. What had happened that would have made Coco and Kate this worried?

"Hey mum," Coco replied quietly. "Is he there again?"

Is he there again? Who was he? Ruel? Where was there? And again? Why was there an again? If this was Ruel, where was he? And was this a normal thing? My brain was jumping with questions and it seemed like I wasn't going to get answers.

"I think so." I heard Kate reply solemnly. "Can you please go get him?"

"Sure, I'm on my way," Coco replied, hanging up the phone. My body swerved as I felt her take a sharp left turn, undoubtedly away from where we were originally going. "Look, I know you must have a billion questions right now, and I'm sorry to say I can't answer any."

And with that, I stayed silent for the rest of the drive. I was scared to speak. I had no clue what was happening, and it seemed like nobody was going to let me know what was happening.

Coco pulled up outside a huge house that looked like it was worth more money than I would ever earn. There seemed to be a party going on, judging by the blinding lights, blaring music and heavy smell of alcohol. Yes, I could smell the alcohol from the car, it was that strong. I looked over at Coco, whose face was still creased in worry.

"Stay here, I won't be long," she looked at me one final time before getting out of the car, running up the steps and into the house. And I was left sitting there, drowning in my own thoughts. I still had a billion questions. I think it was safe to assume Ruel was the one in there, but why was he at a frat party? Why would the heartbroken, nose-stuck-in-a-book, quiet guy be at a frat party? But for the answer to that question, all I had to do was search through my past.


The answer to all your problems, yet the epitome of all your problems. Sure, getting drunk for a night can make you forget all your pain for a couple hours, but the next morning all your problems are still there, and you have a hangover. I had done it countless times. Hoping that if you downed enough of that toxic liquid, it would just make all your problems melt away. But the only thing that would solve your problems in the end was dealing with them yourself. No form of alcohol is going to get you over your ex, or heal a broken relationship, or get you an A in that class you're failing. All it would really do is fuck up your brain to make you think your problems are gone when they're not.


I had been sitting in the car wondering where Coco was for about half an hour. Where was she? She said she wouldn't be long, and in my books, half an hour was a damn long time. I didn't know where she was, if she was okay, if Ruel was okay, I knew nothing. Absolutely nothing. And so I started to consider the one thing Coco had told me not to do. Get out of the car. It sounds bad, but what was I supposed to do? She obviously wasn't coming back any time soon, and I refused to sit there and wonder where everyone was and whether they were okay.

Fuck it.

I pulled open the car door and wandered aimlessly into the huge house. As soon as I walked through the door, I was nearly knocked over by the sudden blare of music and the overwhelming smell of vomit and alcohol. I had no idea where I was going in this massive place, so I kind of just wandered around the house, eyeing everyone there, looking for Coco or Ruel. All I really saw as I walked around were bodies grinding and alcohol being sculled. I was getting some odd looks from people around, which I ignored. I guess I wasn't really dressed for a party in my basic birkenstocks, hoodie and leggings.

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