Chapter 8 - Blank

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When we finally made it home, I let Coco take care of Ruel. She was his sister after all, and if this had happened before then she would know how to take care of him better than I would. As soon as I stepped into the house, Coco started to drag Ruel to the kitchen, my mum getting him some water as Coco directed. I watched Coco force Ruel to drink the water, then proceed to drag him upstairs. I stood there, watching them go up the stairs before turning back to the group of people standing there.

Kate, Sylvie, Ralph, my mum, dad and Neveah were all giving me really weird looks, and I was confused for a moment, before remembering I was soaking wet, and I just stumbled into the house with a drunk Ruel who was also soaking wet. I guess they were waiting for an explanation of what happened, but I was not in the mood for that, so I just turned flat on my heels and went straight upstairs. It was probably rude, yes, but it was late, I was soaking wet, frustrated and exhausted. If I'd said anything to them, it probably would have ended up sounding more disrespectful than if I'd just left.

I grabbed the first hoodie I could find in my cupboard and went into the bathroom I shared with Coco. I took a shower, just not to thinking about anything. My brain was just blank, it was like tonight's events just hadn't sunk in yet. I got out, threw on the hoodie, and went to bed. I'd had enough of this bullshit. I didn't want to answer any questions, I didn't want to talk to anyone, I didn't want to read, I just didn't want to think. So I fell asleep, my mind blank, yet not peacefully blank, blank in a way that I was pushing away thoughts.


I woke up the next morning feeling gross. Yet I didn't care. At all. I just needed coffee. Urgently. So I got out of bed, not caring to get dressed or brush my hair, I just went straight downstairs. I walked down the stairs, my hands in my pockets. I watched everyone's attention turn to me as I walked into the kitchen in my undoubtedly ugly state. Everyone was staring. Everyone. Except for Ruel, who surprise surprise wasn't even there. I just ignored their stares and went straight to the kettle to make my coffee.

"Sunday, I know you don't want to talk about it. But nobody knows what happened except for you and Ruel," my mum intoned gently, coming up behind me. I knew they were only asking to help me and Ruel, and they had a right to know I guess, so I decided I would.

"Okay fine. Just let me make my coffee first please," I sighed, giving in.

I made my coffee, and sat down on the table with everyone, taking my usual seat in between Neveah and Sylvie. I took a sip of my coffee, and everyone's stares seemed to burn into my soul. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair, taking a deep breath before speaking.

"So uh..." I said awkwardly, not really knowing how to start. "Coco did you want to start?" I asked, the stares turning in Coco's direction.

"Okay," she sighed. "So I went into the party and told Sunday to wait in the car because I thought it would be a quick easy find. But I ended up wandering around the party for like an hour. I was getting worried, so I started asking around for Ruel. And I asked some short girl and she told me she'd seen him walking out with some chick. I didn't immediately assume it would be Sunday, so I went out of the house and saw them walking together, both soaking wet. I didn't ask what happened because I was tired and didn't care. But now I do so if you will Sunday."

"Well," I started, stares turning once again back to me. "I was waiting in the car for about half an hour, and I started to get worried too. So I decided to go in and look for Coco or Ruel myself because I'm impatient. I wandered around for a little while and ended up outside by the pool," I took a deep breath, not sure how I was going to articulate this next part. I looked down at my lap, not wanting to see their reactions. "And I found Ruel. Next to the pool. I think he was drunk, or it seemed that way anyway. But there was just this group of people just...touching him. It was really weird. They were just kind of touching him all over. And it made me mad to see them take advantage of his state like that, so I yelled. And this girl pushed me into the pool, but I fell onto Ruel and accidentally took him in with me. That's why we were soaking wet. And that's about it," I finished, looking back up at the group. To my surprise, they weren't staring at me. They were looking above me.

So I turned around to see Ruel, standing on the stairs, just quietly listening to me explain what had happened. I noticed nobody spoke a word to him. Not even a hello, or a good morning. They just stared, from him to me, then back to him. It was almost as if it was weird for his family to see him. He looked freakishly still, his face blank, his eyes having some emotion, unlike the previous night. His eyes were curious, probably wondering why I was talking about him. He didn't look quite as dressed up as the previous night, but still more dressed up than I was in my hoodie. He wore a white under shirt, a jacket of some description and some jeans, his jewellery the same as it had been the previous night.

I watched his eyes trail my body, stopping at my waist for a few seconds before flicking back up to my eyes. I was curious as to what he was looking at, so I looked down at where he had been looking to see the letters R, U, E, and you guessed it, L in small green text. Of fucking course. I was wearing the hoodie he'd given me the one time he actually came down and saw me. Nope, it couldn't have been any of the days where I actually got dressed properly, of course not. It had to be the one day where I'd decided to chuck on the first thing I found.

Then, as weirdly as he appeared, he turned and walked back up the stairs. Not hurriedly, yet not lazily. Fucking hell. Why did this guy have to be so hard to communicate with? One minute he gives me his hoodie and saves my ass, the next minute he won't even talk to me. I was so confused. Yet this confusion just led me to wanting more. I wanted, no longed to know more about this stranger I was living with. The issue was, I had no idea how to. Absolutely no idea.


Idk what this excuse of a chapter was. I apologise. It all just seemed like a waste of words tbh. I'm trying to get these chapters out as fast as possible (i still try to make sure they're decent quality tho too don't worry it wont just turn shitty) so i can publish this book for you all.

If you have read this far, just know ilysm (i love you even if you didn't read this far but that wouldn't make sense).

As always have a lovely day,
remember to nourish yourself with food and water,
and do something that makes you happiest.

- Bri<3


Quote of the day:

My fans, you're the most loyal, energetic and crazy fan base out there. You guys are everything and I could never thank you enough for allowing me to do what I truly want to do.

- Ruel Van Dijk (I'm not crying you are)

Word Count: 1367

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