Chapter 29

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(A/N: Make-up chapter for missing last Wednesday's update! Tomorrow's chapter will be the last chapter <3 Can I know if you guys also want an epilogue or not? Comment if you want. :) Hope you enjoy this chapter!)

"He... what?" Gun asked, placing his drink down on the cafe table. Tay clears his throat before repeating what he said. Gun contemplated it, thinking it was a joke. Tay and New have been acting fine until he asked about Off, which they both suddenly became very nervous.

He trusts his friends, a lot, at that but... it was difficult to believe everything they were trying to say at the moment. "Are you sure?" Gun asked cautiously. New raises an eyebrow at him, looking a bit offended. "No, I mean... you guys have been acting weird the whole time. You expect me to believe everything?"

Tay sighs, rubbing his hands together. "Off wants to talk to you, I swear. He called me to tell you that he's ready." He said. Gun's forehead creased and Tay noticed. "Just... no more questions asked, okay? Off wants to talk to you and it's true."

Gun pouts, crossing his arms across his chest and looking away from the couple. "Fine. Where is he?"

"Ah... he told me to just give you a hint." Tay answered, making Gun confused.

"Tay, I'm not in the mood to play your games, just tell me where he i–"

"An orange and black ball," Tay cut him off, sheepishly smiling. Gun glares at him, standing up. New shifts, putting his arm in front of Tay as if protecting him from what Gun could do. Gun walks to lean down, looking straight into the older one's eyes.

Gun sighs and stands up straight once more, clicking his tongue. He realizes he has no choice but to play along with Tay's game, and it's annoying him. "I swear to God, if this is just all a stupid joke, I'm killing you."

New glares at him.

"Don't look at me like that, New." Gun remarked. At the moment, honorifics didn't matter to Gun. He was pissed and irritated that everything has to be stretched out like this, but he has no choice, does he? "Whatever. Orange and black ball?" Gun asks and Tay nods.

Basketball court...?

Gun made his way out of the cafe, looking around. He figures that what he was doing was some sort of scavenger hunt, but he didn't know for what. Gun was so close to just giving up and going home but, at the same time, curiosity kills the cat.

Gun walks away from the cafe, trying to keep calm and collected just until he could get a taxi to take him back to campus. He manages to get a cab and he tells the driver the location of his university before leaning back onto the seat, sighing.

Basketball court.

Indoor or outdoor?... he didn't give me any other hint apart from the ball. Does that mean I have to go to both? What am I supposed to even see after I get there!?

Gun nipped on his lower lip, although he was still angry and annoyed, he couldn't deny that he was starting to get a little excited with the game.

Fortunately, the cafe was relatively close to campus, allowing him to reach the place in almost no time. Gun paid the driver and thanked him for his service before speed walking into the place, seeing all the other students around.

I forgot there were classes...

Now, not only did he have to make it to both the indoor and outdoor basketball courts, Gun also had to keep an eye out for any professors he is supposed to meet for today's classes.

Way to make everything a lot harder for me, Tay Tawan.

He speed walks to the outdoor basketball court, getting there without being questioned by any teachers. The court was empty of people, just a small amount of basketballs sprawled around the area.

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