Chapter 24

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Gun sits down on the passenger seat, looking out the window. Tay frowns at his friend, sighing. The larger male hears the breath Gun released and looks at him. "Gun?" He lets out.

"P'Tay..." Gun says, voice evidently shaking. Tay, who's now alerted, grabs Gun by the shoulders and urges him to look at him. He was crying—eyes already filled to the brim with tears and snot running down his nose. "P'Tay... I-I wasn't- I didn't want to shout at him...! I just–"

Tawan takes him into his arms, hugging him and shushing him. "Calm down... breathe, okay? I'm here. You can talk to me." He reassured, feeling Gun shake in his arms.

"I wanted... I wanted to talk to him properly b-but I- When I saw his face... I just... felt so guilty!" Gun sobs, his hands going to cover his eyes. "I told him... I told him he was confused with his feelings but... a-after seeing him..."

"Okay, okay." Tay stops him from talking any further, hugging him tighter. "Do you want to go home now or wait for a little here?" He moves Gun's head away from his shoulder, making him look at him.

"Stay here a little l-longer... I don't want my grandma and Pim to s-see me like this." Gun says, hiccupping in between. Tay nods and pulls away, leaning back.

There was a period of silence between them, mostly because Tay decided it was best to let Gun calm down first and speak when he was ready. After a few minutes, Tay hears Gun sigh for the second time and looks at him.

"Why... why did Off come over?" The younger one asked, sniffling here and there. Tay wets his lips, uncertain with what to say.

"Um... he wanted to ask New about you and something... I don't know much details about it but..." Tay trails off, puffing his cheeks slightly. "New, he... he messaged Off last night while you were sleeping. He asked about, you know, Off and Mild."

Gun looks at him, shocked.

"B-But why?" Gun asks. Tay scratches his cheek and shrugs sheepishly.

"I didn't ask... I think he wants to know what Off did after... what happened with you." The tanned male answers. Gun takes a while to react but nods, sort of understanding. "And actually, New expected Off to just explain everything to him through texting but... Off said he'll explain it in person instead and, well, you know it. He came over earlier."

Gun nods again, staying silent.

Tay takes it as a sign to possibly continue. "Actually... when Off came, he was crying."

"Huh?" Gun looks at him, brows knitted. "Why?" He questioned. Tay looks at him, glad that the younger one has calmed down to a certain point.

"He didn't tell. He came over crying and New immediately took him into his bedroom and told him to calm down. That was around 5 to 10 minutes before you came back." Tay says. "When I... shouted that Off was ready to explain, he was already calm but both of us didn't know you were back."

"Well... it was sudden. I didn't plan it, too." Gun chuckles awkwardly.

"What happened that made you go back?"

It was obvious to Tay that Gun was struggling to respond, with the way his hands were fumbling with one another and his whole body slightly shaking. "Hey, are you okay?"

Gun nods and smiles meekly. "Yeah... some weirdo just approached me, that's all."

"Weirdo?" Tay asks but noticed Gun didn't want to elaborate any further. "Okay, no need to talk about the details." He said, causing Gun to smile at him thankfully.

Gun scratches his neck, looking away.

Should I tell him about how I like Off?

Well, to be fair, I think New and P'Tay figured it out before me... so it's okay to tell, right? He won't get mad?

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