Chapter 3

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Gun was bored. No, Gun is bored. It has been 3 days since Off asked him for help with his confession, and the man never heard from him again. Another thing is Mild has gone TOO quiet. She wasn't the type to text, mainly call, but she hasn't done ANY of that and frankly, Gun was getting worried.

Taking his phone, he checks Instagram. He scrolls past through other people's stories, focused on finding Off and Mild's, to check if they were still alive. He didn't find anything on Off's page, but there was something on Mild's.

"Seriously? A boomerang video of McDonald's? That's it?" Gun scoffed. Was he really worried for his best friend only to find out she was just eating junk? Really?

Gun's lips form a thin line and he opens his direct messages with his best friend.


mild <3


why didnt u tell me u were going to mcdo u bitch:(


Off's game is in 2 days... I wonder how he's doing?

Gun contemplates messaging Off or not. They barely call or message because they always see each other anyways. Oh, he couldn't care less. He'll message Off whenever he wants, so he swipes out of his and Mild's chat and goes to his and Off's.


off jumpol bleh


hey hru? u havent talked to me since u

asked for help. ur game's in 4 days ! 🤔🤔


And... send.

Now what?

Gun groans, squirming in his bed. He hates being bored...

Oh! Maybe I can hang out with New!

The small male turns his phone again and goes to his contacts, searching for New's number. Once he finds it, he presses on the number and waits for his friend to pick up, which he did... after 3 failed tries, that is. "Newwie~!" He calls out in a singing voice.

"Yes~?" New responds, although his smile was evident in his voice, he sounded sick more than ever.

"Are you sick? Wait, no, scratch that... why do you sound like you're in a very good mood?" Gun questioned, getting weirded out.

He hears New giggle through the phone and he knew something was up. "What the fuck... did you just..."

"NO!" New immediately denied. He hears New clearing his throat on the other end before he speaks. "I don't know. I guess I woke up on the right side of the bed today." New says, voice dripping with happiness.

"Let me guess, Tay sent you a good morning text?"

"WHAT? NO. W-Why would he do that? He doesn't like me... AND I DON'T LIKE HIM TOO!" New screams into the phone, causing Gun to laugh.

"Sure~ Whatever helps you sleep at night!" Gun says.

"I'm serious! I don't like him... but I can admit he's cute..." New whispers the last part and Gun hears it, but he won't speak about it. He contains his laugh at his friend's last comment and sighs.

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