Chapter 8

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(N/A: I don't usually do N/A's but I just really wanted to mention that I'm not a sports type of person so I don't know ANYTHING about soccer and how the games work, so I'm sorry if I write about it incorrectly! ;_;)

Gun knew Off was good at soccer, but he never really knew he was this good. He gawks at the older man running through the field, easily stealing the ball from the architects and turning to run to the enemy goal.

Gun turns to his side, hoping to converse with Mild about what's going on in the game, only to see her paying attention to everything but the game. She had her phone up to her face and Gun just wanted to grab her phone and throw it into the field.

"Mild!" He calls out, pinching her arm.

The girl hisses and glares at Gun, "What!?" She whisper-shouted at him.

Gun's forehead creases at Mild's attitude but refrains from saying anything bad. He was upset at how she was acting right now, but he knows that Mild knew nothing about what will happen so he can't really get mad at her for seeming so uninterested.

Gun sighs. "The game is about to end and Off's team is winning!" He smiles. Mild looks at the scoreboard and smiles as well.

"What else do you expect from Off? That beanstalk has been playing soccer since he was in his mom's belly!" Mild says and Gun nods merrily.

The male looks away from her and focuses on the game again.

They were in the last quarter of the game and all that was needed to be done was for Off's team to win. Out of the three previous quarters, the Communication Arts faculty has won the second and third.

Gun claps, getting excited when he sees Tay steal the ball from the enemy.

"Gun, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, 'kay?" He heard Mild say. Before he responded, he claps and cheers, screaming woo when he sees Tay score a goal. Not really remembering what Mild told him, he just nods and hums at her.

The male watched the game, clearly getting too into it. He observed the game more, getting irritated that the Architecture faculty was kind of turning the tables around, but the irritation immediately left when Arm successfully blocked the ball from their goal.

"Did you see that!? Oh my God, they're definitely gonna win at this point!" Gun grins and turns to–

"Mild?" He utters out, staring at the empty spot beside him.

Oh, fuck.

Panic hits him like an ice bucket and he didn't need a mirror to know he was probably whiter than paper. He immediately grabs his phone from his pocket and rings Mild.

She doesn't pick up. She doesn't fucking pick up.

Gun wants to scream. The most important part of their plan was for him, GUN, to make her stay the whole game AND HE FAILED TO DO SO.

You goddamn idiot! Now you don't know when she'll come back. What the fuck, Gun!? You had one job!

As Gun internally scolded himself, he didn't notice that the game was done and everyone was cheering for the winning team.

Oh my fucking God.

Gun stands up and looks at the field and sees his friends and their team, all huddled together and smiling happily. He instantly felt like an arrow was shot at his chest, guilt.

"AND THE COMMUNICATION ARTS FACULTY WINS!" The sportscaster exclaims into the microphone and everyone is cheering the team on.

The short male could only hope that Mild was not taking a huge fucking shit or something and that she magically appears beside him. He swallows a lump and breathes from his mouth, still panicking.

Gun sits down on his spot and calls Mild once again.

"M-MILD! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Gun shouted into the phone the moment she picked up.

"Oh my lord, Gun! What happened? Did someone die? Why're you so panicky?" Mild asked, annoyed. "I told you I was gonna go to the bathroom!"

Fuck, did she?

"O-Oh, uh, yeah. Are you coming back now?" Gun asks. He looks at the field and instantly panics when he sees Tay, Arm, and a bunch of other teammates preparing the things for Off's confession. Jumpol seemed to be mentally preparing himself, a microphone already in hand.

"Um, I don't think I'll come back. Isn't the game over?" Mild responded.

"NO, YOU HAVE TO COME BACK!" Gun shouts, shocking some people beside him, to who he quickly apologized. "Please, Mild."

He hears her sigh from the other line. "Okay, fine. But it'll take me a while to get there, I'm on the other side of the uni because I bumped into a friend from a differen–"

"Okay, okay! Less talking, MORE WALKING." Gun cuts her off when he sees the portable stage already in front of their bleachers and Off going up the said stage. Atthaphan observed as Off got to the middle, the male turned around and didn't face their bleachers, perhaps to prepare himself a little more...

"Please come quickly..." was the last thing he said to Mild on the phone before hanging up.

Gun closes his eyes and inhales deeply. He turns his phone on once again and tries calling Off to tell him to wait a while, but notices Off wasn't at all reacting from the stage.

Great. His phone just had to still be in the locker room.

He sees Off turn around and finally face them, smiling brightly.

"Today, we will be having a special something from our MVP in today's game. A Communication Arts major, Off Jumpol!" Gun hears Arm exclaim, the man's voice going through the whole field. Everyone claps for Jumpol, some people even cheering.

Gun just fidgets in place, knees bouncing up and down and his fingernails in between his teeth, biting them harshly. He watches intently, noticing Off's eyes weren't really focused on anything.

Has he not noticed Mild's not here?

"Um," Off starts into the microphone, laughing nervously.

Gun wanted to disappear.

"Okay... so. T-To make it short and simple, I'm basically up here to confess to someone I really, really like. I've liked them for, well... practically my whole life." He says, smiling. The whole field was silent, and Gun could tell Off was starting to actually feel nervous.

"There are many things I like about them. From their physical features like their eyes, their cute nose, their smile!? Oh my God." Off swoons. "And to their personality. I love how they become bratty or sassy when things don't go the way they want. I love how..."

Gun's eyebrows raise in curiosity, forgetting to continue listening.

Did Off want people to be THIS curious about who he likes? Going so far as to using they-them pronouns? Damn...

"Overall, I just... I just like them A LOT. Heck, maybe even love at this point? It has been like, what, 10 ish years?" Jumpol laughs and sighs. He puts the microphone away from his face and scans the people sitting on the bleacher in front of him. "So... will you,"

Off makes eye contact with Gun and smiles, but only then notices that Mild wasn't present beside the latter like how they planned. Gun looks at him with an apologetic face and Off frowns. The aforementioned didn't know if he should continue with the confession or not but,... seeing so many anticipated people put him under so much pressure.

I'm so sorry, Off.

Jumpol clears his throat and smiles brightly, putting up a facade that was all too apparent to Gun. Everyone watches as Off puts his hand to his chest and breathes in. He looks at Gun one last time before finally stopping the silence.



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