Chapter 30

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Dwight looks between my husband and my uncle before nodding and lowering himself to the ground. The barrel of the python follows him as he sinks to the concrete floor, raising his eyes he looks up at a scarily calm Daryl. "Look at me" Rick hoarse voice is demanding as he speaks, Dwight's eyes lower from Daryl before raising back up to rick. I watch ricks arms flex "Why" he gruffs negans third in command licks his bottom lip.

"Cause I want it stopped, I want negan dead" he answers his voice showing the strain of what he's been through. I lean against the wall looking hesitantly between the two men "So why don't you kill him" he questions tonelessly "It can't just be me they're all negan" he sibilates. Ricks head goes up slightly at Dwight's last words "That girl you murdered" tara speaks up before stepping forward.

Rick moves out of  the way his gun still trained on Dwight's head, Tara bends down to get in his face "She had a name" she breathes. Daryl moves in front of the open cell door "Her name was Denise and she was a doctor and she helped people" her honeyed voice trembles. Dwight glances down "I wasn't aiming for her" he assures, Daryl pushes Tara out of the way and grabs Dwight by the neck pinning him to the wall with his hunting knife to his eye.

His choppy and heavy breathing fills the tense and quiet space "Do it do it" Tara growls "You gonna end it this way,you go ahead" his voice his thin and stressed. "I'm sorry I am--and I know you want to" Dwight wheezes "He could just be here to see if you two were here" Rick comments. Michonne shakes her head "We can't trust him" "We don't know that" I add "He owned me, but not anymore what I did I was doin for someone else she just got away" his words confirm it's about sherry and his chances of survival just went up.

"So now I'm here, so are both of you because of her" he finishes "Do it" Taras voice raises "There's another choice" he grunts. Tara starts rocking as he desperation to get revenge for her girlfriend increases "Daryl Daryl you knew her" "Negan trusts me" he utters throatily. Daryl hand shakes and his breathing becomes rougher "We can work together we can stop him" Dwight rushes out. Daryl doesn't move or say anything "You knew me then you know me now you know I'm not lying" his voice is rough.

"I'm not" he breathes "Do it, do it" Tara yells her voice begging, Daryl pulls the knife away his hand still around Dwight's throat as Rick walks up. "They have Sasha if she's even alive" Rosita puts the information out "What" I hiss moving away from the wall. "Why didn't you say something" Jesus breathes looking back at rick "He could be our only chance to get her back" "Because I don't trust him" she answers Paul's question.

"But I trust Daryl" "Negans coming soon" Dwight looks over at rick, he steps around to stand next to my uncle. "Tomorrow, three trucks probably twenty saviors and him, I can slow them down bring some trees down in the road buy a little time for you guys to get ready" he gives us the information we need. Ricks head turns to daryl "If you can take them out that's where we start, you kill them I radio back to the sanctuary" "The sanctuary" Rick quizzes.

"Where negan lives that's what they call it--I can radio back to them and say everythings okay, you drive the trucks back. I can lead you right inside and with the right plan we can wipe out the rest check to see if your friends still alive. Then we get the workers on our side build our numbers up and go from outpost to outpost and end this" Dwight gives us a thought out plan. The room is silent as we wait for Rick to speak "Keep talking he growls.

Watching Dwight walk down the road and get in his car I stand next to michonne and Jesus "The way you were looking at him in there do you trust him" michonne probes turning to me. Taking in her answer my eyes unfocus before I focus on his s retreating tail lights. Swallowing softly I take in a short breath before answering "When I was in there I became friends with his wife and I know he loves her, but I know he wants negan dead, so I trust him enough" I walk off and follow Rick to our house.

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