Chapter 27

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Rick and I left last night to look for guns, driving aimlessly in the van to look for a place to sleep so we can start our hunt in the morning. Finding a spot in the thin coverage of the woods Rick and I had a short and heated argument about me not staying at the Kingdom. He stormed off and by the time he got back I was asleep and when I woke up he was already outside by the small fire.

Climbing out of the van I sit across from him staring into the thin dancing flames "If you wanted me to stay, I would have stayed" I yawn bringing my legs up. Laying my arms across my knees I rest my chin on my elbow, putting his instant coffee down he swallows the liquid in his mouth "No you wouldn't" he speaks softly his blue eyes brighter in the mornings new light. Smiling I pick my head up the corners of his mouth turning up "Hey, I just want to be with my family" I shrug.

Looking at his watch he kicks dirt on the fire "Let's look for some guns" he sighs standing up, pushing myself up I brush my butt off. Closing the side doors of the van I hop into the passenger seat as Rick turns the key in the ignition, driving out of the woods my body jerks with every stick and rock we go over. With my elbow on the window I chew on my nail the deafening silence ringing loud in my head. Looking over at rick I lay my hand back on my lap "You know I hate fighting with you" I mumble.

Looking down at my hands I see the jagged edge of my nail "It wasn't really fighting" he says mellifluously. Chuckling I lookup at him seeing the smile on his face everytime he looks over "Fine I hate squabbling with you" I reiterate. Our laughs die out when we see a couple houses hidden in the trees, slowing down he pulls over to the side. Hopping out I leave my bat leaning against the seat "Here" Rick says softly as he hands me a gun with a silencer.

Taking the weapon in my hands we move down the driveway keeping our heads on a swivel. Getting to the front door I raise my gun aiming at the wood "On three" he whispers. Stepping back I let him stand infront of me "One, two--three" kicking the door open he holds it so I can move through. Going into the dark house I frantically scan the area listening intently on any other noises, moving quickly through the house we find nothing of use.

Going to the other houses we quickly search the cabinets and dressers looking for food and weapons or anything that could help. Finding a box of Mac and Cheese, two cans of green beans and a revolver with a box of bullets. Putting them in a blue tote we drive back out and park the van in tall grass and trees in a woodland clearing. Sitting in the darkened silence I look over at rick the moon hidden behind the clouds. Rick moves from the drivers seat placing his callused hand on my cheek as he pushes his mouth against mine. Kissing back with fervor I get up, the van heating up as the both of us move to the back.

Sitting on the ground with my back on the step of the van I watch Rick drink his instant coffee while reading the map by the short fire "You didn't have to keep watch last night" I comment taking a drink of my water. Looking up from the paper he pulls the cup away from his face "You were tired and I wanted to, besides I like it" he insists. Holding the cup in my lap I stare at him my eyes never turning away before he smiles with a chuckle "You can keep watch tonight" he assures.

Nodding sarcastically with a smile I sigh leaning my head back "What do you think will happen today" I hum. Closing my eyes I enjoy the warm sun on my skin "A win, and we need batteries for the walkies see if we can get them working again" he replies. We continue to sit in enjoyable silence as the air warms up and more birds start to sing their morning songs.

Walking up to a mechanics garage door I grip my bat as I grab the handle with my other hand "Ready" I utter looking over at him. Nodding he raises his gun turning back to the door I push it open quickly grabbing my bat. Swinging at the first walker in a discusting jumpsuit his rotted head caving in before he falls to the ground. Rick takes out the other walker with a crow bar before we hectically look through the tool boxes and chests.

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