Chapter 1

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Taking a step back from petes body I look up at rick my mouth open in shock "Rick" my head quickly turns to the voice. Seeing a man with daryl and aaron I close my mouth and swallow thickly "I-I-I'm sorry" I stutter quickly moving past the trio. Switching from jogging and walking I make it to the house "What happened I heard a shot" carl quickly asks "Pete killed reg and rick shot pete" I answer. Closing the gap between me and carl I hug him briefly before pulling away and going up to the bathroom.

Turning the shower on I take my clothes off letting them sit in a pile while I stare at my reflection in the fogging mirror. My stomach holding red stretch marks along with my breasts that have grown since I got pregnant. My hair lays on my shoulders just barely touching the top of my chest, looking at my eyes I take a deep breath. When I can't see my reflection anymore I turn around and get in the shower, moving out of the scalding water I turn the cold on till it's warm enough to stand under. Letting my head hang forward the water runs down my face and my hair dripping onto the tile floor.

Hearing the door shut my eyes focus back on my feet, raising my head I close my eyes letting the water fall over my face. The shower door opens letting cool air on my back and legs creating goosebumps. Stepping forward out of the water I turn around and watch rick wash the blood off of him. My eyes blur over with tears and I let myself break down my body unable to take the stress any longer "I'm sorry" he rumbles pulling me into his chest and wrapping his arms around my back. Sobbing I let my eyes burn and my throat constrict as my built up emotions empty into the water and go down the drain.

"I'm tired- of- all the murder" I choke out with a scratchy voice "I know" he mumbles. He reaches out and turns the water off "Let's get some sleep you need it" I nod and walk out with him on shakey knees. He wraps a towel around me before putting one around his waist "Come on" keeping my eyes down I walk to our bedroom. Shutting the door rick turns me around and leaves a kiss on my forehead. Taking my towel off I lay it over a chair, grabbing underwear I put them on before crawling into bed and putting a pillow between my legs and closing my eyes.

Walking down the steps I stop behind daryl working on his bike the afternoon sun blinding me "Have you seen rick" I ask looking over his work "He left said he'll be back soon" I nod at his response. Slowly lowering myself to the ground I sit beside my uncle "Need any help"I inquire and he shrugs before handing me a screwdriver. Getting to work I look over to daryl "So I have names picked out wanna hear em" I ask a small smile on my face when he shrugs again "So for a girl I was thinking alina and owen if it's a boy, whatcha think" he drops his hand and looks over at me.

Smiling awkwardly I look away with a nervous chuckle "What" he shakes his head "Merle was drinkin one night while you were sleeping, you was maybe three or four at the time. But he was just drinking watching a game when he jumped up and said 'She's gonna have kids' and he moped around for a few days after he realized that" I furrow my brows at the sudden information "Why are ya telling me this" I ask softly. He looks down at the wrench in his hand before smiling a little bit "Because after that he promised himself that when you did have kids he was gonna be the one with ya" he finishes.

Looking down I sniffle and wipe the escaping tears away a wide smile on my face "Look what you did" I laugh sadly. Dropping the screwdriver I hug daryl "I miss him" I mumble before pushing away and looking at him "And I know you do to" he nods before beginning to work again. Sighing I go back to my work with my lips slightly turned up as my brain makes a memory of the information. Feeling the baby push against my stomach I stop what I'm doing and grab daryls hand quickly putting it on my stomach before he can protest.

"It's your niece or nephew" I say quietly my eyes scanning over his face, his mouth twitches as he feels the small pushes on my stomach. Pulling his hand away I look at the oil and dirt handprint on my grey shirt. Chuckling I continue to work on the bike humming quietly to myself a feeling of contentment in my chest. Playing with the ends of my hair I grab the wrench to work on the other part of the bike. Putting the wrench down I grab the rag cleaning the oil from the pipes and wire. Hearing the gate squeal open I smile trying to stand up "Shit" I hiss lowering myself back down. Daryl stands up and grabs my forearm pulling me up with a grunt "Thanks" I huff wiping the dirt off my butt.

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