Chapter 20

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Stopping infront of the pantry garage rick knocks on the door, I move closer to rick as the door squeals open "Hi, figured you were coming" she says her voice wavering. Rick points the bat slightly "Show em where the guns are Olivia" he orders gently "The armory's inside" she turns around and starts walking. Following her negan stops "You run the show in here" she halts and turns around "I, just keep track of it all, rations the guns"she answers.

"Smart, don't let me stop ya take Arat and the boys show em the goods" she turns back around and the saviors follow her to the back. Rick starts walking after the saviors "Wait wait wait" he moves infront of us "While they're at it I just wanted to point out to you that I'm not taking a scrap of your food, slim pickings in here" he leans closer to rick. Putting his head down slightly he looks at me "And I can't be the only one to notice you have a fat lady keeping track of rations can I" I clench my jaw at his comment.

"Either way, you starve to death I don't get shit so for now you get to keep all the food" Rick looks up slightly but doesn't respond. Negan holds out his hand "How about that" Ricks eyes stay on the ground for a moment before he looks up to negan "What do you want me to say" he breathes negan getting in his face "I don't know Rick how about a thank you, you think that might be in order or is th-"his voice raises "Thank you, negan" I cut him off. Looking away from Rick he looks down at me "No not from you" he looks back to rick "From him" he growls.

Rick stays quiet and negan chuckles backing up a bit "I know we started off on the wrong foot, what can I say you forced my hand Rick" Rick looks down his feet shifting. I bite my cheek to keep me from talking "But it's like I'm trying to tell you I'm a very reasonable man as long as you cooperate so let me ask you a question Rick" negan smiles "Are you cooperating" he questions running his tongue over his teeth. The corner of ricks lip pulls up "What's it look like" he rasps looking back up at negan.

Chuckling he gets closer to him "I know what it looks like" he pauses "But I really wanna know is if we're gonna find all the guns back there or maybe you got a few just waiting for their moment just like my Lucille" he whispers. Rick nods not breaking eyes contact with him "They're all in there to the best of my knowledge" turning his head his smile gets wider "I am countin on that Rick" he breathes backing up. Turning around we watch him start to walk back where the others are.

I start to follow him but Ricks hold gets tighter stopping me from going farther. Turning back to him I look over his face his expression changes and his eyes frantically move over my face "I-Im sorry" he stutters gently running his hand down the side of face. Holding his face in my hands I get closer "Hey hey hey" I say quietly my hands shaking "He won't hurt me, don't worry about me worry about carl and judith and everybody else okay" I rush out my head turning every few seconds. Nodding he swallows taking a breath, dipping his head he pushes his lips against mine.

Kissing back erratically I tangle my fingers in his hair, pulling away he presses his mouth to my forehead my eyes closing. Releasing a strained breath my body relaxes slightly "To say the wedding isn't going as planned is an understatement" I breathe, Rick laughs quietly his breath fanning my hair "Damn, you two really are together" I jump hearing his voice. Pulling away Ricks mouth opens to say something "I get it" he speaks first his voice kind of distant. Pushing away from the wall he clears his throat and smiles "Reunions over let's go" he orders turning back around.

Following him through the hall we go out the back door, looking in the armory I watch them pick up our guns. Getting to the brick sidewalk negan pulls me away from rick "She told me what you did, when this happened" he runs his finger across the scar. Ricks jaw ticks his hand tightening on the bat "Thank you, honestly" he holds his hand over his chest. Ricks eyes shift from negan to me "Seriously you saved my daughter from some asshole with a dick problem" his voice raises slightly the corner of his lips pulled up.

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