Chapter 23

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The door opens and daryl runs out "Daryl" I smile jumping into him and wrapping my arms around his neck. Quickly pulling apart we go to the furthest bike and he pulls out a key checking if it fits in the ignition. Seeing fat joey I tap his back "The hell" Daryl slowly stands up hearing his voice holding the pipe tighter. I wrap my other hand around my bat holding it out infront of me, joey puts his hands up swallowing the food in his mouth "Woah" he drops the sandwich in his hand.

"Woah" he echos louder his breathing becoming erratic as he puts his hands up higher "It's cool I swear buddy you and her can walk right out that back gate right there and I won't say anything to anybody" he assures. Daryl inches closer "I'm supposed to be there now but listen I'm-i'm just tryna get by just like you" joey tries his hands still up high "Please" he pleads. Daryl quickly raises the bar and hits him over the head sending him to the ground, I watch him beat his head open the blood pooling out slowly onto the cement.

"Daryl" I look up from fat joeys cracked open skull to Jesus standing in the area I seen joey "Jesus" I breathe. The bar stops hitting the concrete daryls heavy breathing filling the now quiet space "Daryl" he repeats daryls head shooting up. He drops the metal pipe and bends down pulling a gun out of Josephs belt "It ain't just about getting by here" he speaks his voice rough and gravely. He puts the gun in his waistband "It's about getting it all" turning around he goes back to the bike "I got the key let's go" he gets on backing the bike up before moving his arm.

Taking the few steps to the vehicle I swing my leg over sitting on the gas tank; picking my legs up I put my feet on the bar holding the break cable careful not to crush it. Holding my bat over my thighs my back rests against daryls torso. I tense my jaw and close my eyes when Jesus gets on behind daryl "Is this safe" he questions "I've done it a hundred times as a kid" I answer. Daryl turns the handles "Oh" he huffs "I've only fallen twice" I finish with a smile and daryl starts the engine.

Revving it once I lean my head to side slightly so he can see better as we take off through the back gates. Going down the road I swallow nervously as the trees and walkers blur past me closing my eyes I squeeze my bat tightly. Letting the wind hit my face I take slow breathes my jaw ticking everytime he turns, squeezing the tank with my knees I focus on the uncomfortable heat on my legs and the vibration going through them. Hitting a small bump I let out a shrill squeak my eyes flying open and one of my hands grabbing onto daryls arm.

Shifting the gears he speeds up the leaves and pebbles on the dirt road hitting my shins as we get closer to the gates of hilltop. Slowing down the gates open and we ride through into the small community, daryl stops the bike and puts the stand down. Jesus slides off and daryl moves back giving me room to slide off; seeing maggie I drop my bat a wide smile on my face. Wrapping her in a tight hug tears of happiness and relief go down my face "They told me you were dead" I mumble into her shirt.

Pushing me away I reluctantly let go "He's your father" she sniffles "Yes and I can't change that no matter how bad I want to" meeting her glossy eyes I release more tears. Getting closer I point my fingers against my chest "And you know me, you guys are my family your my blood not the man back there" I point in the direction of the sanctuary. We stand in silence my hands falling and my back straightening "If you don't want me here i-" "No, you're right and glenn and abraham would want you to be with us" she cuts me off wiping her nose.

Smiling sadly I nod "How's the baby" I ask my voice getting thick "Theyre fine I just have to take it easy" she answers. Nodding I close my eyes forcing a deep breath, breaking down I let the cries out my hands coming to my face. Wrapping her arms back around me I cry into her shoulder "I miss them" I croak "Me too" she sniffs her voice cracking. Taking a deep breath she pushes me away her hands holding my shoulders firmly "Now, are you okay" she questions her eyes scanning my face.

Sitting at the table in Jesus' trailer my arms are on the table with my hands folded "What happened to him" enid inquires her arms crossed on the wood with her chin resting on them "Killed and put on the wall" I respond putting my hands in my lap. Picking at my thumb I clear my throat "We're glad you're both back" sasha says from the couch "We should get some sleep" Maggie inhales pushing her chair back. Nodding I stand up pushing the chair in "Mal you can sleep with me" "No I can sleep on the floor with Daryl" I reject shaking my head.

"I'm saying please" she crosses her arms over her chest her voice getting a slightly lower. Sighing I nod kicking my boots off "Okay" I breath movie closer to the bed, laying on the inside she pulls the blankets back. Getting in beside her sasha turns out the lights before going to the couch. Moving closer to me she rests her temple on my shoulder her eyes closing, taking a deep breath she relaxes into the bed.

Laying awake with my hand laying on my chest I can hear my heart beat louder with every passing moment of silence. Maggie moves and her breath hits my neck "You've didn't sleep" hearing her tired voice I roll over. Laying my head on my arm I'm face to face with one of my best friends "I got a couple hours, I just- in there I hid everything and I faked the emotions I did feel" I explain to her my eyes starting to get blurry.

"I feel like I failed him and I don't know how not to hurt" I wipe my eyes my voice thick and strained, "Breathe" she says quietly. Putting her hand on my shoulder I close my eyes forcing a few deep breaths before opening them again. Sniffling she smiles sadly "You were his sister and he knew you tried and that you loved him" I smile trying to cover another wave of tears. Wiping her eyes she clears her throat "After the farm while we were in the storage unit I seen how close you two were" I sniff wiping my nose.

"And when I asked him, he told me that from the first time he met you that know matter how bad the first impression" we let out short sad laughs. She continues "You were his family, his sister and he loved you with everything just like you did" ending the short story it feels like my chest is beating differently. An ache but it not of pain but release and love "You were the first and only person he fell in love with" I breathe with a small smile "Come on" she sits up.

I push myself up wiping my face and throwing the blankets off me "Get dressed" getting off the bed I grab my clothes from the small shelf. Changing with our backs towards each other I turn around pulling my hair out of my shirt collar. She sits down putting her boots on "Hurry up" she ushers me towards the door; sliding my boots on she pulls me out of the trailer. Walking through the community people smile saying good morning and hello to Maggie as we walk by.

Seeing two graves I stop my eyes already building with tears, looking at the rocks on the head of each one she squats down "We can only do it together" she echos her husbands words. Slowly lowering myself to the dirt I grab Maggie's hand feeling my chest let go of the pain a gentle sense of long awaited release eases my body slightly. Letting a little smile of contentment on my face I let out a breath, standing up I pull my hand back towards me.

Letting out another breath I stand up going back to the trailer with my head down, touching the railing I take a step up "Sasha Enid" Maggie screams.  Turning around I watch her jump down the last few steps of the makeshift ladder; running towards her she stands infront of the gate watching them open it. Seeing the Rick I slow down watching him walk through gates, hugging Maggie for a short moment I back away.

"You were right, right from the start you told us to get ready to fight I didn't listen I couldn't; I am now" I listen to his words. Turning around I walk to t he side of the wooden shelter, leaning against it I bite my nails letting my hair block my face. Seeing Daryl walk by Jesus puts his back against the wall and looks over at me; turning his head back with a smile. Glancing over  I catch his eyes before lowering my head again I see his boots in my vision a moment later.

He pushes my shoulder my back gently colliding with the wood, keeping my head down he grabs my face in his hands. Pulling my head up I keep my eyes locked on his shoulder "Look at me, please" his voice holds vulnerability. Trailing my eyes from his covered shoulder to his eyes I take inhale sharply "I never wanted to leave you, I love you" hearing his words sets the butterflies free. Putting my arms around him I let a sigh of relief out "I love you to" I mumble into his chest.

Pulling away I look over to see Daryl holding ricks gun in his hand, clearing his throat Rick turns around and daryl holds the weapon out to him. Taking his python he checks the chamber before putting it where it belongs with a thankful smile. Looking around my group I smile when I see michonne and Tara, rosita and carl again; grabbing my hand we start to walk to the Barrington house to talk to Gregory.

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