Chapter 29

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Watching the trees and grass go by in a blur my cheek is pressed against Daryl's back. The open wind on the back of the motorcycle allow me to not think about anything at the moment. Moving my arms I hook my fingers around his belt loops, closing my eyes my stiff shoulders relax for the time I'm able to. A scent of oil and alcohol wafts through the air resurfacing a memory from my dad.

"Daddy did you know that spiders can be scared of other spiders" I tell him the fact absent mindedly as I stack the fire wood on top of each other. He chuckles taking another drink from his beer "Anything with a heartbeat is scared of anything that can kill them, even if it's their own kind" he speaks clearly as he sits in front of me. A crease forms in-between my eyebrows when I look up at him "Would you be scared of me if I was bigger" I quiz not liking my dad being afraid of me.

Throwing the empty beer can across the grass he points at me "Listen, it's not about size hell it's not even about strength-- it's about determination and understanding your opponent" I nod at his explanation. The sun beats down on the two of us a smile quickly forming on my face "So if I'm smarter and learn how to understand people I can beat them" I ask excitedly. He sighs before standing up with a grunt, stumbling a little bit as we walks around the fire pit he sits next to me.

Wrapping his arm around my small shoulders he points his other finger at me "Listen baby, and you listen good it's not just understanding people as a whole it's understanding them individually" I nod looking up at him. His beer scented breath fans over my face as he talks "See everyone is different they all have different weaknesses and strengths, and it's up to you to figure it out and play on them" he finishes. I look back down and play with the hem of my shirt "And if I play on them long enough they'll break right" I question lifting my head back up. "That's right" he hums.

I bring my mind back to the present as the motorcycle stops, lifting my leg I stand up quickly getting off. Hearing the RV door shut I turn to look at rick, michonne and carl get out followed by the others. Feeling a heavy hand on my shoulder I turn around "You good" Daryl grunts, I nod with a smile. The corner of his mouth turns up "Alright" he says lowly, turning I look at the river chewing on my lip. I hear footsteps beside me as people start to load up the boat "Didn't you used to take baths in the quarry" Rick questions.

Turning to him I nod "Yes but that was shallow I could still see and touch the bottom" I explain to him, he looks behind us. Standing in silence for a few minutes I clear my throat  "Why can't you swim anyway" he asks unexpectedly. Turning my head back to the lake the memories pop up like pictures "It's a long story that I will tell you when we get back home" I tell him before walking away to help get the last few guns on the boat.

Sitting in the boat with Jesus, Gabriel and daryl I hold onto the sides of the boat tightly. My knuckles ache as they turn white the closer we get to the other side my heart pounds in my chest. The boat stops as it hits the dirt making me jump, standing up I carefully shuffle to land my hands flying out everytime the boat rocks. Stepping on the grass I pick up the crate of dynamite before handing it to Daryl, we stand on the side of the river as Rick and the others make their way across the water.

Walking through the woods my bat hangs from my shoulder in the holder that was made for me by the kingdom. Holding a gun in my hands I huff as the strap pushes down on my sore boob, shifting the strap with a look of discomfort Jesus turns his head. Raising a questioning eyebrow "My boobs hurt okay" my voice comes out snappy "Sorry" I sigh "Don't worry about it" he shrugs. Daryl, Jesus, Aaron, Eric and I move away from the group to set up the dynamite.

Arron and Eric take watch as Daryl sets the dynamite down, taking the wire out I hand it to my uncle and Jesus connects the explosives. Jesus looks over at me "Go take watch on that side" he points to the opposite of Arron and Eric. Nodding I pull my gun off my shoulders and hold it infront of me as I scan the trees. Hearing the short whistle we start to move in a straight line to set up the other charges. I force my mind to stay in the present and not wander as we set them up.

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