Chapter 20

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Luke's POV
I don't actually believe that this is happening. The video is on 10 million views already! We've gained almost 2 million twitter followers each and the band account is on 5 million! We've even been getting calls from record companies. There's talks of albums, tours, music videos. This whole thing is surreal! We never thought that we would get 10 views, never mind 10 million! It was posted 5 days ago and already we've got a huge fan base!
Calum wrote a song called She Looks So Perfect for his girlfriend Jenna so we're gonna upload that tomorrow. Let's hope its as successful as our first video!

Michael's POV
I'm sat downstairs with my dad and theres a comfortable silence as my dad watches TV and I sit scrolling through twitter on my phone.
"Son, you know I'm proud of you right? I know you're still young and the situation may not be ideal but I know you're going to be a fantastic father" he says
"Thanks dad" I blush
"But in order for you to be a fantastic father, you probably have to live in the same part of the country as your child. What I'm trying to say is that... I've decided to quit my job in Adelaide so that we can move back to Sydney and be with Zoe and the baby"
"What?" I ask I disbelief
"The company I work for are aware of the situation and they're willing to transfer me back here. We can have our old house seeing as we were only renting it out. You can have your old life back, Michael. Only this time, it's a little different. This time you have a girlfriend and a baby to look after. You have good friends who will do anything for you. You have a band that already has so many fans. This time, it's going to be so much better" dad explains
"I can't believe it! We're moving back to Sydney!" I yell jumping up and down and pulling my dad into a hug

This has quite possibly been the best few days of my entire life

Therapy - Michael Clifford (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now