Chapter 2

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Zoe's POV

The first few lessons were a little tedious, but being with Liv made it a bit better. I was also in first two lessons with Calum, so I got to know him a little better. He seemed a bit quiet at first, but after talking to him for a while he seemed to grow a little bit more confident. I learnt that he plays bass in their band and he likes to sing and write songs. He promised to play me their newest song 'Gotta Get Out' some time.

At break time, we all met up at our locker room. We were chatting when a boy who looked about our age walked in. He was tall, over 6 ft, and quite skinny. He has brown hair that was messy, but not too messy, and wore black skinny jeans and a green and black flannel. I'm not gonna lie, I thought he was cute

"Hey, watch this" Luke says, nudging Ash

He walked over to the boy and grabbed hold of his shoulder. The boy turned around to face Luke, looking at him with terrified eyes

"Who said you had permission to come in here?" Luke asked. I'd never heard him talk like that

"I-i-i um, I was just..." the boy stuttered

"Get out" Luke yelled. The boy quickly ran out, resulting in a chorus of laughter from the people around me

"What was that for?" I asked Liv, feeling sorry for the poor boy

"Oh, he's just Michael Clifford. He's a freak. He's always by himself and he's scared of everyone! What a cock!" she replied

"Oh" I replied, looking to the door for any signs of the return of the boy, who I now knew was named Michael

*Two hours later*

Walking down the corridors at lunch time with my new friends, it now became apparent who ruled this school. Everyone was afraid to look at us, some even cowered away in fear. I didn't know what to make of this, it was always me who was afraid to look at the popular kids, always me who would walk on the other side of the corridor in an effort to avoid them. Now people are scared of me, and I haven't even been here for a day.

The whole time, I was looking out for a glimpse of Michael. I wanna know what it is that makes Luke and the others hate him so much. But it's probably best for Michael to be as far away from us as possible, we don't want a repeat of before.

I was deep in thought when suddenly, I felt someone crash into me and my books scattered all over the floor. I bent down to pick them up, and looked up to find my eyes locking with Michael Clifford's

"I-i-i'm so sorry. I-i d-didn't mean it, I s-swear. L-let me pick those u-up" he stammered, frantically trying to gather my books up

"Hey, you dick! How dare you touch her" Luke yelled, grabbing Michael and pinning him against the wall

"I-i'm sorry, I-i didn't mean it" Michael pleaded

"Luke, please, it was an accident. Let him go" I begged

"Why are you sticking up for him?!" Ashton asked, shocked

"If I ever catch you within 5 miles of Zoe I swear I'll make your life even worse than it already is. Understand" Luke asked

Michael nodded frantically, before handing me my books, looking at me apologetically and running away

Cal looked at me with an angry look in his eyes "Zoe, there's one thing you gotta learn in order to survive here. Never, ever stick up for Michael Clifford"
"Oh, okay" I reply, but something is telling me not to listen to Calum, but I have to. These are my friends, they know Michael better than I do. He probably did something really bad to them.
"Um guys?" I ask. I have to know why they hate him so much.
"Yeah Zoe?" Ashton replies smiling.
"Why do you hate him so much, like what did he even do?" I ask.
"Breathed" Liv said, earning a laugh from Luke. I didn't know how to respond to that so I just ignored it and went to my next class with Luke, English.
"So Zoe, you liking it here so far?" He asked smiling. I love Luke, he's so kind and caring and we've only known each other for 2 days. That's why it baffles me how someone like him can have such an aggressive side to a boy like Michael.
"I'm loving how you guys have accepted me into the group so quickly, and lessons aren't too bad" I reply earning a smile from Luke. I've never been to English before and me and Luke are a little late.
"Late again I see Luke?" The teacher sighed. She seemed nice, she was young with brown hair and she was average hight.
"Oh, you must be Zoe, I'm Mrs Jones, you can take a seat at the back next to Michael"
As soon as she said those words I couldn't help but smile a little, I can get to know him without my friends getting in the way. Well there is Luke but he's at the other side of the class.
"Clifford, if you try anything on her I swear to God I will fucking murder you" Luke spat.
"Luke!" The teacher warned.
"Sorry" he muttered.
I walked over to the back of the class and sat next to Michael.
"Hi" I smiled.
He just looked at me with this scared expression and it broke me.
"I'm Zoe" I tried but got nothing. This boy is broken. I don't know why, but even with all these people telling me to keep away, I can't. I feel like I have to help him. I want to help him, but I don't think it's going to be easy.

WOOHOO! Double update. It's short but we've updated once today so that's why. Thanks for reading xxxx

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