Chapter 11

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Zoe's POV


His words echo around my head, pounding against my skull, making the room spin as tears threaten to spill from my eyes

My Michael. He's leaving

The realisation hits me, the force of it knocking me to the ground. I hear Michael. Calling my name. Screaming. Shouting. My Michael.


Michael's POV

"Zoe! Zoe, wake up! Zoe please please wake up!" I yell, shaking her. I grab a wet face cloth from the sink and hold it to her pale, clammy forehead. She stirs at my touch, her beautiful green eyes slowly begin to open. I reach down to wipe the tears that are racing down her cheeks

"Oh, Zoe. You scared me baby. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry" I say, sobbing now

"You can't leave me Mikey. You can't! Please don't go" she begs

"But I have to" I explain, pulling her onto my lap

"But why?!" She cries

"My dad, he got offered a job in Adelaide. The pay is better, we can have a bigger house in a nicer area, I get to go to a new school, fresh start and all that. But I don't want it. All I want is you Zoe! I tried to explain to them! I tried to make them listen. I told them I don't want to go! I wanna stay here with you. That I'd rather be bullied every day for the rest of my life and still have you by my side than to ever be without you for a second. They're insisting that it's for the best, that I'll make new friends and find someone else. But I don't want anyone else! I want you!" I explain

"Mikey, please don't leave me! I'm begging you" I feel her pleas slowly shatter my already broken heart.

"I have to baby girl. I'm so sorry. I promise, I swear we'll Skype and I'll call you whenever I can. And when I'm 18 and I can leave school, I'm gonna find a way to come right back home, to you. I promise, Zoe. This isn't the end of us. It's just the beginning of a new chapter" I say, holding her tighter

"When do you leave?" She asks


Zoe's POV


Today is Tuesday

That's three days away

Three days

Thats all I have left with him

How is this fair? How is it fair to find the love of your life, your soulmate, your missing piece just to have them cruelly snatched away from you. Why?! We had planned everything out! We planned out our wedding in the woods, our little house right on the beach, our 3 children, one boy and two girls. Now it's gone. Our future together had just vanished into thin air, never to be seen again.

Just like Michael

Therapy - Michael Clifford (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now