Chapter 9

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Zoe's POV

Its been a month since Michael asked me to be his girlfriend and it's been great. There was a time when Michael opened up to me more saying that he couldn't stop the smoking. I told him that I was going to help him, but I don't have a problem with him having the odd one every once in a while if it takes his mind of everything else. The only problem is lying to my friends. I know they would hate Michael more, and I think Michael knows that to because he completely avoids me in school. I hate how we have to hide, but it's better than not being together. Today is Monday. I accidentally fell asleep at Michaels last night, meaning that I had to awkwardly sneak out of his house this morning so his parents didn't see me. Right now I'm at home getting ready for school. Michael text me saying he was picking me up in 5, so I hurried up and put on Michaels "ninja turtles" t-shirt that I borrowed. I heard a car horn and walked out the door.

"Good Morning" I said, pecking Michaels lips.
"Morning baby, where did you go this morning" he pouted.
"I snook out so your parents didn't see me" I giggled.
"They don't mind you staying over"
"Really?" I asked.

The conversation carried on from there, me and Michael both laughing and joking about the fun we had last night.

We eventually pulled up at school and Michael waited before getting out the car.
"I hate how nobody can know you mine" he sighed.
"I know, but you know why we have to sneak around" I said, kissing him.
"It's worth it though" he smirked and we got out of the car.

We did our usual routine where I go in before him to avoid Michael getting beat up by anyone who sees us and I found Luke.

"Hello there Lucas" I chuckled.
"Why hello there Miss Zoe West" Luke said, mocking me. Michael walked past and Luke and Calum snickered.
"Morning Nerd" they shouted and Michael kept his head down.
"Oi, don't ignore us Clifford" Calum spat and Michael stopped.
"I think it's about time we teach you a lesson!" Luke said cracking his knuckles and smirking. Before I knew it, Luke had Michael pinned up against the wall and had punched him in the face.
I couldn't stand to watch it so I pulled Luke off him.
"NO!" Luke shouted, Michaels lip full of blood.
"Luke, seriously he's hurting, please Luke I'm begging you" I pleaded.
"Zoe, it's okay" Michael sobbed.
"DONT TALK TO HER! WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT COMING NEAR HER!" Luke yelled kicking him in the stomach. Michael groaned and slid down the wall clutching onto his stomach.
"Why do you care so much" Liv asked
"BECAUSE HE'S MY BOYFRIEND OKAY!" I yelled, my eyes widening after realising what I had said. Everyone fell silent, but I couldn't be dealing with them right now. I just crouched down to Michael and hugged him.
"Come on guys, let's just leave" Liv said, pulling them away.
"You didn't have to tell them you know, I am just a worthless piece of shit, they're gonna hurt you now. I knew this relationship would end bad for you" Michael sobbed.
"Hey, I don't care if they treat me badly, I don't think they would. Sure they might not like me but that's irrelevant. I have you. Your the best thing that's ever happened to me Michael Gordon Clifford. And you are not a worthless piece of shit" I smiled.
"Really?" he asked smiling back.
"Really. And now people can know I'm yours"

We got to the nurses office and she cleaned him up. It was lunch now and me and Michael walked into the cafeteria hand in hand, earning stares off half the God damn school.

"I don't like how everyone is staring Zoe" Michael admitted.
"It's okay, I'm here" I said gripping his hand tighter and sitting down.
We were sat talking when a a familiar face came over to our table with her lunch tray.


"Can I sit" she asked.
"If you're just here to yell at me then no" I snapped.
"I'm not, I swear" she said.
I looked over at Michael for his approval and he nodded.
"Go ahead" I sighed.
"Why do you want to sit here?" I asked.
"Zoe, you're my best friend, if you like Michael then I'm not going to stop you seeing him. Besides, I never really agreed with how he was treated. I just felt like if I didn't act along with it then Luke wouldn't like me. He's not like this, it's all an act, I promise, he's a nice guy" she starts and Michael scoffs.
"Listen Michael, I owe you an apology. I'm so so sorry that I've treated you so badly, I don't know you that well and I had no rights. Since you're dating my best friend, I'm going to try and get to know you, I promise I won't let Luke or the guys hurt you anymore." She said, sounding genuinely sorry.
"It's okay, you were never the problem, your dumb ass boyfriend is" Michael muttered.
"I really am sorry" she sighed.
The rest of lunch was spent talking and Michael and Liv getting to know each other.
"Um, I hate to stop you guys from talking but Luke is on his way over." I say panicking a bit.
"Don't tell me your leaving us for him Livy! Oh God please not you!" He says.
"Lukey, I'm not leaving you guys for them, I'm just saying, Zoe is my best friend and she was one of yours too. I'm not letting go of her that easily. If she wants to date Michael, that's fine with me, I'm getting to know him and we really did get him wrong, he's awesome" she smiled and Luke's fists clenched.
"Listen to me Clifford, I don't know what game your playing here but I swear to God if you even touch my girlfriend I will kick your ass you got that"
"Luke, stop, I'll come sit with you if you want" Liv says getting up and joining luke, Calum and Ashton.
"See you guys later" Liv smiles walking away.
Michael walked round and sat next to me. I rested my head on his shoulder and he hugged me.
"You coming over after school?" I asked and Michael nodded.
I kissed Michael and it felt great. It finally felt like everything was going good because we were acting like a real couple now. It's not just our families who know about us anymore, everyone does.

Luke's POV

I can't believe Zoe is dating him. Of all the people she could have fell for, she had to fall for him. A loser, a freak, a waste of space. But what makes it worse is that Liv is trying to become friends with him for Zoe's sake. I can't believe she's hanging around with him. I looked over and saw him and Zoe basically sucking each other's faces off. Ugh, I hate him. I just don't want him to come near Liv. He's bad news, I know it. He may seem like an innocent person but I can tell he's hiding something. I just want to know what.

Michaels POV

We're out. I'm so happy. I'm glad that me and Liv are getting along. I don't understand how a sweet girl like her could be dating a self centred dick like Luke. I'm on my way over to Zoe's now. We've decided on pizza and a movie for tonight. I finally reached her house and knocked on the door.
"Hey" she said as she opened the door.
"Hi baby" I smiled hugging her.
"Wanna order food now or later?" She asked.
"Zoe, you should know me better..." I asked faking offence.
"Now it is" she giggled. I snaked my arms around her from behind and she giggled turning to face me. Our lips connected and I smiled in the kiss. I swear I will never get tired of the feeling of her lips on mine. We broke apart as we heard the doorbell ring. Surly that's not the pizza. I sat on the couch and Zoe opened the door.
"Hi" I heard. Liv.
"Oh hey"
"Hi Mikey" She said smiling and sitting by me.
"Hello" I replied smiling. Zoe sat on my knee and I wrapped my arms around her. I just love being around her. I just feel like my day gets 10 times better when I'm around her. My heart skips a beat when I hear her name, I'm never sad when she's close. I just love everything about her.....I think I'm in love with her....
"You guys are cute" Liv smiled.
"I know we are" Zoe stated making me laugh.
"Wanna watch the movie now?" Zoe asked and me and Liv nodded.
"Start it without me, I just need to go outside for a few" I said getting up and grabbing my coat.
I walked into Zoe's front garden and sat on the grass. I pulled my packet of cigarettes out of my leather jacket and lit it. I inhaled the smoke, but the feeling is different now. I used to do it because it felt good, an escape from everything, but now it's just something I can't stop. I have tried, but I've depended on them for a year or so, I can't just quit that easily. I heard a door open and then I looked to see Liv sat beside me.
"Zoe asked me to come and get you. You smoke?" Liv asked and I nodded looking down shamefully.
"Yeah, sorry, it's a bad habit, I know, please don't tell anyone" I said.
"I won't, but it's nothing to be ashamed of, especially after all the shit you went through with Luke" she sighed.
"Come on, let's go back inside, Zoe's all alone." I said putting out the cigarette.
"Okay" she smiles.
We walks back into the house and began the movie.

About half way through the Pizza came and it was so good. We had a good time. I'm happy things are going my way for once.

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