Chapter 10

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Guys this story has been up for a little over a week and it's already got over 100 reads! We can't actually thank you enough! We love you!

Zoe's POV

Today has been so bad. Michael is sick so he isn't in into school, meaning I have to hang around with Liv, which isn't the problem. It's just I have to hang around with Luke,Calum and Ashton and we're not exactly on the best of terms at the moment. I haven't seen any of them all day actually. I've only just found Liv. But I have been trying to catch up with everything because I fell behind so I wouldn't have seen them until now anyway.
"Where's Michael" Liv asked.
"He's sick. I'm gonna go check up on him after school" I sighed.
"Your not worried your gonna get sick?" She questioned.
"Nah, he'd do the same for me" I smiled putting my books in my locker. Luckily we only have 1 period left and it's my free period.
I saw a pair of arms snake around Liv's waist. Luke.
"Yeah" I didn't know what else to say to him.
"Shouldn't you be with your dumb fuck boyfriend"
"He's sick" I sighed, getting annoyed by the fact he still insults him when he knows he's my boyfriend.
"Good, means I don't have to look at his stupid face" he spat.
"You know what Luke. I am sick and tired of people treating him like shit when he hasn't done anything to you. You may not like him, but I do. Sure he's not perfect, but who is? He's perfect to me. I care about him! And I swear to God if you only knew all the shit you have put him through then I can promise you you wouldn't do it anymore" I sobbed, memories of the night I almost lost Michael flooded my mind.
"Fuck you" I spat, running to the girls bathrooms and locking the door. I slid down the wall and hugged my knees to my chest. I was only in there for a few minuets before I heard a voice calling my name. Liv.
"Zoe, open up" she said softly knocking on the door. I couldn't be bothered to argue so I just did as she asked.
"Oh Zoe" she sighed, joining me on the floor and hugging me.
"I know, Luke was a prick back there, but he doesn't mean it" she sooths.
"I don't care. He's upsetting Michael and he's upsetting me, whether he means it or not" I sobbed.
"Im his friend now too and I don't like hearing Luke say that bullshit about him! But I'm sure Michael can handle a few names" she said.
"But that's the thing Liv. He can't. If he could, he wouldn't have anxiety, if he could, he wouldn't feel worthless, he wouldn't smoke, he wouldn't drink, he wouldn't have tried to kill himself" I sob.
"He...he tried to kill himself?" Liv whispered, a few silent tears sliding down her face now too.
"Oh god, I shouldn't have told you that. He's going to hate me! I promised him!" I cried harder now.
"Shhhh, he doesn't have to know that I know. Nobody does. Just, tell me what happened?"


I see a figure sat on the track

"Hey! Hey you!" I shout "Hey! Are you trying to get yourself killed!?"

As I approach the figure, with a cigarette in his mouth and a bottle of alcohol in his hand, I begin to recognise him.


"I thought I told you to leave me alone" he slurred, clearly drunk

"Michael you may think that no one cares, but trust me, I do. Get off the track!"

"Why should I? This is what I want. This is what everyone wants. I have nothing to live for. I'm just worthless. I'm nothing! Nobody would miss me! This is better for everyone!" He yells

"Michael, get off the track" I plead. I hear a noise, and look to the track. I see lights far off in the distance. A train

"This is it! This is the end. It's all over! It's finally over!" He cries, standing up.

I panic. I'm not thinking straight. I run onto the track

"If this is what you want, then I'm going with you"

"No! What are you doing! Get off! Get off the track!" He screams

The train is fast approaching.

"Michael! Come on! Get off!" I yell

He looks at me, his eyes desperate.

The train is about 30 metres away.

I grab him and pull him off the track.


"And then he broke down, telling me how he was sorry, how he was a waste of space, how everyone hates. He thought he was doing everyone a favour Liv" I sobbed.
"Oh my God. Luke, Cal and Ash caused that!" She asked in disbelief.
"Mainly" I cried.
I didn't realise how long we'd been in their because the bell rang signalling the end of the day.
"I gotta go see Michael. Come over later?" I asked and she nodded.
I got up and began to walk out of the school. Today has been awful. Everything that could have gone wrong did. I just want to go and see Michael now. I drove to school today so I wasn't far from his house now. I decided to park my car at home before walking over to Michaels house.
I knocked on the door and it swung open,revealing a drained looking Michael.
"Hey, you feeling any better" I asked wrapping my arms around him.
"No, can we just go over to your house, I don't want to stare at the same four walls again" he asked and I nodded. He shut the door and we walked across the street to my house. When we got in Michael got on the couch and buried himself underneath a blanket.
"Awwww, my little baby is sick" I cooed.
"Cuddle me?" He said and I got under the blanket with him.
"This is nice" I said and he kissed my forehead. My mum came down the stairs and started to "aww".
"Mum" I groaned and Michael giggled.
"But you guys are adorable" she gushed.
Suddenly the doorbell rang.
My mum walked over and answered it. A few moments later she walked back into the living room.
"Zoe, your friend is here" she smiled and left. I looked over expecting to see Liv, but I didn't. I saw Luke.
"What do you want?" I spat.
"To apologise" he answered.
"I guess you can sit down" I said. Michael tensed up, obviously uncomfortable being in the same room as Luke.
"Let's here it then" I said, sitting up.
"I've been a jerk, I realised that even though we've only known each other for just over a month, I trust you. You are one of my best friends Zoe, I don't wanna lose you over something so dumb. If you like Michael, I guess I could try to get to know him, I just judged him and I'm sorry for that" he sighed.
"It's okay Luke, but I guess I'm not really the one you should be apologising to" I replied.
"I know. Michael, I am sorry for the way I've treated you. I don't even know why I did it. I'm not here to lie, so I'm just gonna come out with it. I really don't like you, and I know that you fucking hate me, but I guess we could try to get along, for Zoe's sake."
"Kay" is all Michael could say. Luke just sighed. There was some tension in the room right now, I mean 2 people who hate each other sat together is just awkward, but I'm glad they're going to try to get along. I know it's going to be hard, especially for Michael, but I just hope they become friends. Eventually.
Luke left shortly afterwards, leaving me and Michael alone again.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah I', I'm gonna throw up" he said getting off the sofa and rushing to the bathroom.
I rubbed his back as he threw up into the toilet. When he was done he brushed his teeth with the spare toothbrush I gave him and wrapped his arms around me.
"Thank you baby" he said sweetly.
"It's okay Mikey, you better do the same for me when I'm sick" I joked.
"I will, for a while anyway" he looked down.
"Hey, what's wrong? What do you mean for a while anyway?" I asked, hugging him.
"It doesn't matter" he mumbled.
"It does baby, I want to know what is bothering you! If your worried that I'm going to leave you..."
"No, it's just, God this is hard. Um, I'm leaving you..." He said, tears streaming down my face"
"What. Michael what's going on your scaring me" I panicked. What does he mean?!
"The reason I'm sick today, it's not a stomach bug, it's a hangover. After you left last night, something happened, and I went back to old habits. I just couldn't handle what my dad said. I can't take it Zoe!" He sobbed.
"Michael, tell me what's going on!" I said, my voice breaking a little, tears threatening to fall.
"I'm moving to Adelaide"

And with those words, my heart shattered into a million pieces. He's moving. To the other side of Australia....

OOOHHHHH SOME DRAMA! If you guys want more, vote, comment and follow us xxxx

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