Chapter 17

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Hey guys! This book is doing well considering we thought it was only going to get abou 10 reads. To know you guys are actually reading this is amazing! Hope eveyone is okay!

Zoe's POV

Its been 2 weeks since I found out I was pregnant, meaning that I am 21 weeks along. You can easily tell that I have gained weight, but it doesnt look like i'm pregnant yet. I sit in my room and listen to All Time Lows new album Future Hearts. I Listen to "Missing You" and get a little emotional because it reminds me of Michael. I hear my phone ringing. I look at the caller ID and see that its Michael.

"Hey Baby" I say.

"Zoe, I have a really big suprise for you!" he says, I can almost hear his smile.

"OHHHHHHH!!!! What is it!?" I ask eagerly.

"It should be on your door step right now!" I hear him say. I stand up off my bed and make my way down the stairs. I open the door and sigh.

"There is nothing here Michael" I say down the phone. Suddenly, I see a mop of red hair apear from behind my porch wall. I drop my phone and run to him. I jump onto him and he clings onto me and I cry.

"Mikey! Oh my God. Why! I love you I love you I fucking love you!" i say kissing him. Ive missed his lips on mine, they go perfectly together. The kiss is so passionate yet rough as if making up for lost time.

"Suprise baby girl!" he says. I grab his hand and we walk into my house sit on my sofa.

"Why are you here?" I ask, still completly shocked by the fact that hes sat in front of me.

"Aunt is getting married in 2 weeks so my mum said we could come home early for the wedding" He smiled.

For about an hour we talked and I didnt want to ruin it by telling him the truth about the baby. I know i have to do it whilst hes here. It doesnt have to be today though, right!

My mum walked through the door and shouted Hi. When she walked into the living area her eyes almost popped out of her head.

"Michael!" She said, walking over to him and hugging him.

"Hi Sophia" He said, hugging her back.

"You guys look really happy, I'm guessing you finally told him then" she said.

"No mum, I didnt!" I said, knowing that I was going to have to tell him now. Im not ready.


"Told me what?" MIchael asked.

"Nothing, it doesnt matter" I choked out.

"Ill leave you guys to talk" My mum said leaving. Thanks mum.

"Zoe, come on" He said.

"Youre going to leave, promise me you wont leave me!" I said.

"Okay, now im worried" he said.

"Just promise" I said.

"I promise" he said, motioning for me to continue.

"Um, The only people who know are my mum and dad. Before I tell you, just know that I want this. I just hope that you do to" I say, trembling. This is it. The senario I have been imagining for weeks. Its happening.

"Zoe, tell me" he says.

"We're having a baby" I say.

"We're What!?" he said, eyes widening.

"Oh God, your gonna leave!" I say panicing.

"No No No baby, im not leaving, its just. A baby! Were 17. It wouldnt be so bad if I didnt live on the other side of Austrailia. And im a fuck up! Nobody likes me! I'll fail Zoe! My own kid is gonna hate me!" He says crying. I hug him.

"I'm sorry Michael. But i'm keeping it. I'm really excited for this baby now. Its still sureal but I cant wait. You will not fail as a father. I can promise you that" I say.

"I didnt want you to get rid of it Zoe. Its just a lot to take in thats all! I'm so sorry I did this to you!" He said wiping his eyes.

"Hey, this is the best thing that has happened to me...aside from you" I blushed.

"I cant believe you thought I would leave you! I love you so so much Zoe. I'm gonna be here for you and the baby. But Aidelaid. I go back the day after the wedding. Im only here for 2 weeks." He said.

 "We'll work this out okay? I just love you so much, I just hope this doesn't change anything between us.

"Of course it isnt going to change anything!" He said wrapping his arms around me. We stayed there for a good while and when we pulled away, Michael was smiling with tears in his eyes.

"I'm gonna be a daddy" he smiled and i kissed him.

"And youre gonna be a good one"

Michael's POV

A baby. We're having a baby! I'm going to be a dad. Sure I'm nervous but I'm really excited. Will it be a boy or a girl? What will we name it. Is it gonna look like me or Zoe more? Will it like pizza? Of course it will, who doesnt like Pizza. But I know it will be perfect because Zoe is its mother and she is the most amazing, beautiful person and I love her so much.

"Oh my God, I am so dying its hair when its older!" I exclaimed and Zoes eyes widened.

"NO!" she giggled, but I could tell she was serious.

"Come on, it can be our mini Punk Rocker" I laughed and Zoe joined in.

"You're crazy, and I love you" She said.

"And I love you too. Hey, I've got something to show you. Due to the baby, I forgot but here" I said showing her the new tattoo I got on my arm. It reads "To The Moon..."

Zoe gasped and smiled.

"Michael, its perfect!" she said.

"Its to show you how much I love you" I smiled and she kissed me.

"I love you so much. And our little baby" I said. I couldnt be happier right now.

After about an hour, there was a knock at the door, Zoe got up to get it. I heard a lot of familiar voices and I knew it was our friends. They don't know im here yet either.

"How are you today Zoe" I hear Luke say.

"Today has been the best day ever!" I heard her say. They all walked in and were frozen.

"MICHAEL!" they all yelled at once, diving on top of me.

"Hi" I chuckled.

"Why are you here? How long have you been here?" Calum asks smiling.

"Its my Aunts wedding so im here for 2 weeks. I got back about 2 hours ago but I came streight here" I said.

We did what we did before I left for the rest of the night, just being ourselves and catching up. Everything is going really good. I'm so happy here. I dont want to move back to Aidelaid. The guys even asked me to join their band 5 Seconds of Summer because they liked Wherever You Are and said I was amazing at the guitar and singing. I have had the best welcome home, better than what I imagined. I just have to tell my parents about the baby and hope that they are as supportive as Zoes.

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