Chapter 7

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It's Friday today and Michael hasn't been in school for a few days. He hasn't answered my texts and I don't even know if he is okay. I'm supposed to go to his house tonight, I suppose I'll find out then

School has been boring today. It's quiet when there's no one around for people to bully. Some of the nerds have taken a hit today. Poor things. I suppose they need someone to attack when Michael isn't around.

I put on my ripped black skinny jeans, My Chemical Romance t-shirt and black boots before I head over to Michael's house. I knock on the door and I kind looking blonde woman answers

"Oh, hello" she says

"Hi Mrs Clifford. I'm Zoe, Michael's friend. He invited me to come to his house tonight" I reply

"Oh, so you're the Zoe I've heard so much about! Come in, come in. Oh, and please, call me Karen" she ushers me inside

"Daryl, we have a guest" she says to a man sitting in the living room who I assume is Michael's dad

"Hi Mr Clifford. I'm Zoe" I introduce myself

"Hello Zoe. And you can call me Daryl if you like" he smiles at me

"Zoe, Michael's room is straight up the stairs, first on the right. But good luck coaxing him out. He hasn't left his room in days, except for food and bathroom trips." She says, showing me to the stairs

I walk up the stairs to the first door on the right. There is a plaque on his door that says 'Michael's Room' which I'm assuming is from when he was a child. The once bright blue colour has faded to a dull, dirty grey. A striking representation of Michael's life, once vibrant, full of hope, but now a sombre, black pit of despair. I hope that I can be the one to help him get his brightness back

I knock on the door and wait for a reply. When no reply comes, I call his name

"Michael! Its Zoe. Open up"

The door swings open to reveal a dishevelled looking Michael

"Get out" he snaps

"W-what?" I question

"You heard me. Go!" He yells

"Michael, what did I do?" I ask

"I think you know what you've done. Shall I remind you? The other day, you skipped gym. You were talking to Liv behind the school. Ring any bells?"

'I'm playing him. He thinks I care about him but I don't. I hate him.'

He heard me

"Michael, I..." I mutter, speechless

"Thought so" he spits

"Michael, I didn't mean it! I swear!" I protest

"Why did you say it then?"

"Michael, I was lying to her. She saw you leaving my house the other day and she wanted to know why you were there. I lied to her so she thought I was on her side. I didn't want them to start treating you even worse than they already do, so I pretended that I hated you when the truth is..." I trail off

"What? Truth is what, Zoe? You despise me? You want me dead like the rest of them?" He shouts

"No Michael, the truth is that I love you!" I yell, throwing my hands up "for fucks sake Michael, I'm in love with you!"

He studies my face for any signs of me lying. His eyes search mine as tears threaten to spill. His hand cups my cheek as our lips connect. He runs his hands through my hair as I rest mine on his hips. He leads me over to his bed and we sit down, our lips never separating. Suddenly, he pulls away

"God, Zoe, I love you. I love you and I don't know why. I've only known you for a few days, yet you're my everything. You're my sun, my moon and my stars. You're my reason for existing. You're my therapy."


Ooooooohhh, DRAMA! I hope you liked this chapter, guys. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow us and check out some of our other works!!

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